
Robotic Fabricator patent blueprint.
Jan 28, 2013 03:33 PM EST

Patent Foresees Autonomous, 3D-Printing "Robotic Fabricator"

A U.S. patent application was filed last week for an autonomous all-in-one 3D printing, milling, drilling and finishing robot by iRobot Corporation, called "Robotic Fabricator."

Jan 28, 2013 02:59 PM EST

Dolphins Try to Save Dying Companion; Lending a Flipper

New research has shown that ailing dolphins may receive a helping hand-or flipper.

Jan 28, 2013 02:13 PM EST

Ground Beef Recall Affects Five States; 16 Sick after Salmonella Outbreak

At least 16 people across five states have been hit with a salmonella strain that's been linked to ground beef produced in the Metro Detroit area.

Study Finds Hip Fractures are More Deadly to Men Than Women
Jan 28, 2013 01:41 PM EST

Soldier Gets Double-Arm Transplant; New Hope for Wounded Military

A soldier received a double-arm transplant at Johns Hopkins Hospital after losing all four limbs.

Jan 28, 2013 01:07 PM EST

People Don't Use Tech When Tracking Health Issues; New Survey Released

Nearly seven in 10 adults say that their tracking health issues without the aid of modern technology.

Jan 28, 2013 11:48 AM EST

Like Humans, Monkeys Synchronize Their Behavior; Monkey See, Monkey Do!

Researchers have found that, like humans, monkeys can synchronize their body movements without any conscious effort.

Jan 28, 2013 11:48 AM EST

Flaxseed Diet Leads to Healthier Milk From Cows

More nutritious milk with much more omega-3 fatty acids and less saturated fat is delivered by dairy cows that are fed flaxseed, according to a new study by Oregon State University.

Advanced CT Scanners Lowers Patients Exposure to Radiation, Study
Jan 28, 2013 11:21 AM EST

Ariel Sharon Shows Significant Brain Activity; Comatose Patients Can Respond

Ariel Sharon, the former Israel prime minister who has been comatose for seven years, has shown significant signs of brain activity.

Capuchin Monkeys
Jan 28, 2013 10:42 AM EST

Iran Launches Monkey Into Space; Ambitious Aerospace Program Continues

Iran has officially sent a monkey into space, continuing the country's ambitious aerospace program.

Star Trek
Jan 28, 2013 09:58 AM EST

Miniature Tractor Beam Uses Light to Attract Objects; Star Trek Fans Rejoice

A team of scientists have created a real-life miniature tractor beam in a development which may lead to more efficient medical testing.

Jan 28, 2013 09:57 AM EST

Brain Simulation and Graphene Research Receive Billion Euro Each

The official press conference announcing the results will be on January 28, when the European Commission's Vice-President Neelie Kroes will introduce the two research projects chosen as winners of the FET (Future and Emerging Technologies) Flagships initiative. They will benefit from up to one billi...

Jan 28, 2013 09:18 AM EST

U.S. Scientists Reach Antarctica's Icy Lake Whillans; Drill, Baby, Drill!

A team of U.S. scientists announced on Sunday that they had successfully reached Lake Whillans, a subglacial lake.

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