
Jan 28, 2013 08:38 AM EST

Early Stage Breast Cancer Survival May be Better with Lumpectomy Than Mastectomy

A new study has found that women with small early breast cancers may have a better chance of survival if they opt for lumpectomy plus radiation rather than mastectomy.

Jan 28, 2013 07:19 AM EST

Poor Sleep in Old Age Causes Memory Loss

A new study shows a strong association between poor sleep, memory loss and brain deterioration in older people.

Jan 28, 2013 06:44 AM EST

Endangered Water Voles to be Reintroduced to Northumberland

Water voles are one of the legally protected species in Britain, and conservationists are taking necessary measures to protect these endangered rodents.

Curiosity Produces Images Taken at Night
Jan 28, 2013 06:01 AM EST

Curiosity Produces Images Taken at Night

Of late, Curiosity seems to be working in the night shift. On Jan. 22, 2013, Curiosity for the first time produced a set of images taken at night. These images were captured using the camera on its arm.

Jan 28, 2013 05:28 AM EST

Lightning Triggers Onset of Migraines and Headaches

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University Of Cincinnati states that lightning triggers the onset of headaches and migraines.

Large City Heat Alters Temperature for Thousands of Miles: Study
Jan 28, 2013 02:37 AM EST

Waste Heat from Large Cities Altering Temperature for Thousands of Miles: Study

The extra waste heat generated from major Northern Hemisphere urban areas alters the temperature thousands of miles away, causing temperatures to increase by 1 degree Celsius in some remote area. But in areas of Europe, the waste heat cools the area by 1 degree Celsius. Most of the temperature decre...

Mistle Thrush Population Missing From UK Gardens: RSPB
Jan 28, 2013 01:42 AM EST

Mistle Thrushes Missing From UK Gardens: RSPB

According to the 34th annual Big Garden Birdwatch survey, world's biggest wildlife survey, conducted by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds annually, the numbers of 'mistle thrushes' are declining and their population disappearing from UK garden, reports RSPB.

silicon nanoparticle
Jan 26, 2013 09:14 PM EST

Silicon Nano-Particles Found to Turn Water Into Hydrogen Rapidly

Researchers have discovered super-small particles of silicon that rapidly react with water to produce hydrogen almost instantaneously. They created spherical silicon particles about 10 nanometers in diameter. When combined with water, these particles reacted to form silicic acid (a nontoxic byproduc...

Jan 26, 2013 08:51 PM EST

Dolphin Dies in Polluted New York Canal

A wayward dolphin that swam into a polluted canal on Friday died before high tide, according to reports.

Jan 26, 2013 08:06 PM EST

Dung Beatles Use Milky Way for Navigation: Study

In a surprising discovery, a new study shows that dung beetles navigate via the Milky Way, the first known species to do so in the animal kingdom.

photon detector karlsruhe
Jan 26, 2013 03:58 PM EST

New Photon Detector Big Step For Quantum Computer

The single-photon detector is characterized by five convincing factors: 91% detection efficiency; direct integration on chip; counting rates on a Gigahertz scale; high timing resolution and negligible dark counting rates.

FDA Issues New Labeling Guidelines for Longer Acting Painkillers
Jan 26, 2013 01:44 PM EST

FDA Panel Votes to Restrict Vicodin and Other Painkillers

A FDA panel has recommended tighter controls on hydrocodone combination drugs which include Vicodin, the nation's most widely prescribed drug.

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