
Jan 25, 2013 10:03 AM EST

Guyana and U.S. Team Up to Protect Jaguars

The forested nation of Guyana announced that they’re joining a regional pact to protect the elusive jaguar.

Pulsar Shows Its Hand
Jan 25, 2013 09:20 AM EST

Pulsar Puzzles Scientists; Star with a Multiple Personality Disorder

And you thought stars couldn’t have multiple personality disorders. Scientists have discovered a strange, spinning star that is spontaneously switching between emitting strong X-rays before emitting radio waves.

Jan 25, 2013 08:51 AM EST

Giant Squid Emerges from the Deep to Appear on Your Screen

This Sunday, the giant squid will leave the ocean and appear right in your living room. The Discovery Channel is airing its new show “Monster Squid: The Giant is Real” at 8 p.m. EST.

Hailstones Packed With Bacteria and Chemical:  Study
Jan 25, 2013 07:27 AM EST

Hailstones Packed with Bacteria and Chemicals: Study

The presence of microbial life in storm clouds was revealed by researchers at the Aarhus University, Denmark, who analyzed 42 hailstones that were recovered after a storm over Ljubljana, Slovenia, in May 2009.

Fossil of Feathered Dinosaur Challenges the Theory of Evolution of Flight
Jan 25, 2013 06:34 AM EST

Fossil of Feathered Dinosaur Challenges the Theory of Evolution of Flight

A new fossil of a bird-like dinosaur has been discovered at north-eastern China by paleontologists at the University of Southampton. This new discovery challenges the theories of the evolution of flight in birds.

Farm Pesticides Pose Threat to Frog Population
Jan 25, 2013 06:23 AM EST

Farm Pesticides Pose Threat to Frog Population

A new study conducted by a team of German researchers reveals that farm pesticides are killing amphibians, causing a major dip in the world's population of frogs and toads, reports the official website.

Nuclear Power Plant Cause Snowfall in Southwest Pennsylvania
Jan 25, 2013 05:44 AM EST

Nuclear Power Plant Causes Snowfall in Southwest Pennsylvania

The snowfall that took place on parts of the Allegheny and Beaver counties Tuesday night was not a natural process; it originated from the cooling towers at the Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Station in Shippingport.

FDA Approves the First Autonomous Remote Presence Robot
Jan 25, 2013 04:08 AM EST

FDA Approves the First Autonomous Remote Presence Robot

RP-VITA (Remote Presence Virtual Independent Telemedicine Assistant) is the first autonomous remote presence robot to receive a nod from the FDA.

Chewbacca Chosen For Daisy At Denver Zoo
Jan 25, 2013 02:40 AM EST

Lone Female Panda Daisy Gets Partner at Denver Zoo

The Denver zoo has a Valentine gift ready for its 6-year-old lone female red panda Daisy. The panda gets a mate called Chewbacca, not the Star War's hairy non-English speaking co-pilot, but a new male panda from the Detroit Zoo which was recently welcomed by the zoo last November.

Nokia graphene
Jan 24, 2013 05:34 PM EST

One-Billion Euro Grants for EU Brain Simulation and Graphene Research

News got out about the result of the highly anticipated decision of which research projects will receive a massive research grant from the European Commission, as reported in Nature News today.

Euclid telescope dark matter energy
Jan 24, 2013 04:21 PM EST

NASA Joins Dark Universe Project of ESA Hunting For Dark Matter And Energy

A European space telescope designed to investigate the mysterious natures of dark matter and dark energy will launch in 2020 - and the North American Space Agency agreed to contribute to the project known as Euclid by supplying 20 of the required detectors for the near-infrared instrument. NASA also...

Dung beetle
Jan 24, 2013 02:01 PM EST

Dung Beetles Guided by the Milky Way, Avoiding Rivals

A new study shows that dung beetles actually navigate using the Milky Way.

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