
Floating Robots to Track Great white Sharks
Aug 23, 2012 09:01 AM EDT

Floating Robots to Track Great White Sharks

A self propelled Wave glider robot has been deployed at the Pacific coast near San Francisco to track white sharks. The information transmissions of the robot can be accessed even by the non marine biologists like the users of iphone and ipad with shark net app.

Aug 23, 2012 08:56 AM EDT

A Rodent Without Molar

A peculiar rodent without molars grabbed the attention of the researchers from McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. This unique shrew like animal with a long pointed snout was found in Indonesia's forests of southern Sulawesi Island. Its study is being published in the journal Biology Letters.

Voyager 2 Completes 35 Years in Space
Aug 23, 2012 08:53 AM EDT

Voyager 2 Completes 35 Years in Space

Voyager 2 spacecraft launched in 1997 completed its 35th birthday, indicating a proud achievement for NASA as it is the longest operating spacecraft of all time. Currently, it is located at a distance of 15 billion kilometres from the earth.

Weight Loss Fails to Lower Heart Problems in Obese People with Type 2 Diabetes
Aug 23, 2012 08:50 AM EDT

Antibiotics Has the Tendency to Make Your Kids Obese

A recent study carried out in the International Journal of Obesity produce a frightening link between antibiotics and obesity. According to the journal giving babies antibiotics before six months could trigger obesity.

Modern Humans and Neanderthals Share Common Ancestry
Aug 14, 2012 07:19 AM EDT

Modern Humans and Neanderthals Share Common Ancestry

In the last two years, a number of studies have suggested that modern humans and Neanderthals had at some point interbred. Genetic evidence shows that on average Eurasians and Neanderthals share 1 to 4 percent of their DNA.

Genetic Mutation Noticed in Three Generations of Butterflies
Aug 14, 2012 07:16 AM EDT

Genetic Mutation In Butterflies Due to Radiation

Genetic mutations have been noticed in three generations of butterflies from Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant, scientists says.

Frequent Breaks From Sedentary Behavior Make Kids Healthier
Aug 14, 2012 06:49 AM EDT

Snoring Children May Have Behavioural Problem

Many if not most children snore on occasion, and about 10 percent or more snore on most nights. A child's snore may sound cute, or even funny, but habitual snoring in children may contribute to problems. A new study published online in Pediatrics claims that persistent and loud snoring in young chi...

Aug 14, 2012 06:46 AM EDT

Dark Chocolate Improves Brain Function

A team at the University of Nottingham has discovered that eating chocolate could help to sharpen up the mind and give a short-term boost to cognitive skills.

Gut Taste Mechanism Defective in Type 2 Diabetes People
Aug 14, 2012 06:43 AM EDT

Ten New Gene Regions Linked to Type 2 Diabetes

A new study that is being published in the journal Nature Genetics have identified 10 new regions of DNA linked to type 2 diabetes, increasing the number of genes and gene regions associated with the disease to more than 60.

Frogs With No Tadpole Stage Evolution Surprise Scientists
Aug 13, 2012 06:57 AM EDT

Climate Change has Deadly Effect on Amphibian World

According to a latest discovery that is being published in the Monday's Journal Nature Climate Change, climate change makes frogs more susceptible to deadly diseases.

Aug 13, 2012 06:56 AM EDT

Google Earth Tracks Lost Pyramids

Archaeologists using the Google Earth claimed to have discovered two clustered structures in Egypt that may include undiscovered pyramid. They noticed these structures have a large heap almost three times the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

IBM Scientists
Aug 13, 2012 06:53 AM EDT

IBM Scientists "Waltz" Closer to Using Spintronics in Computing

Researchers from IBM Research and the university ETH, both based in Zurich have revealed their first ever direct mapping of information of a persistent spin helix in a semiconductor with the aim of using electron spins for storing, transporting and processing information.

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