
Smiling Helps to Recover From Stress: Study
Jul 31, 2012 08:54 AM EDT

Smiling Helps to Recover From Stress: Study

A new study claims that smiling during episodes of stress can help to reduce its intensity regardless of whether a person actually feels happy or not.

Jul 31, 2012 07:29 AM EDT

August Will Be a Blue Moon Month

The month of August brings with it two full moons. The first one visible on 1 August and then followed on 31 august. When two full moons occur within a calendar month, the second full moon is called a "Blue Moon."

40 Percent of the Parents Give Their Children Medicines That They Should Not Use
Jul 31, 2012 07:27 AM EDT

Devices Fail to Alert Parents About Kids in Hot Cars

According to the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, special seats and other devices that are designed in order to help prevent the parents from leaving their kids back in the hot car are not reliable.

China Aims to Land on the Moon in 2013
Jul 31, 2012 07:24 AM EDT

China Aims to Land on the Moon in 2013

China attempts to land an exploratory craft on the moon for the first time in the second half of next year. This is the next step in an ambitious space program that includes building a space station.

A Fish Friendly Facility for the ISS
Jul 31, 2012 06:40 AM EDT

New Seal Flu could Pose a Threat to Human Health

According to a new US research released Tuesday, a new kind of bird flu has cropped up that has been causing deadly pneumonia in baby seals off the northeastern US coast. And it could also pose a risk to humans.

A New Robot That Walks and Jumps on Water
Jul 30, 2012 10:08 AM EDT

A New Robot Walks and Jumps on Water

The field of robotics never fails to astonish us with their incredible creation. Most often they draw inspiration from the real world. And this time it the team from China's School of Chemical Engineering and Technology who have developed a microrobot being inspired by insects.

Rising Sea Levels
Jul 30, 2012 05:49 AM EDT

Scientists Discover How Carbon is Stored in the Southern Ocean

A team of British and Australian scientists has discovered an important method of how carbon is drawn down from the surface of the Southern Ocean to the deep waters beneath.

Preconception Stress Delays Pregnancy and Doubles the Risk of Infertility
Jul 30, 2012 04:44 AM EDT

Yoga May Help Stroke Survivors Improve Balance: Study

According to the latest research in the American Heart Association journal Stroke, Group yoga can improve balance in stroke survivors who no longer receive rehabilitative care. There was also an improvement in the mindset of patients about their disability.

 Magmatic Water Detected on Moon's Surface
Jul 30, 2012 04:40 AM EDT

Avalanches on Saturn's Moon Provide Clue to Landslides on Earth

Huge landslides or avalanche are rare occurrences in the solar system but very common phenomenon on Saturn's third largest moon Lapetus. These are helping geologists in understanding landslides and earthquakes in other parts of the solar system.

Homemade Satellite to Hit Space Soon
Jul 29, 2012 02:21 PM EDT

Homemade Satellite to Hit Space Soon

A 34-year-old South Korean artist is the first individual to send a homemade satellite into orbit, after securing contact with French Technology Company to get his device launched into space.

Jul 29, 2012 02:19 PM EDT

Physicists at Texas Create the World’s Smallest Semiconductor Laser

The world's smallest semiconductor laser that is a breakthrough for emerging photonic technology with applications from computing to medicine is being created by the physicists at The University of Texas at Austin in collaboration with colleagues in Taiwan and China.

Jul 28, 2012 03:38 PM EDT

A Pulsar with Only Gamma Ray

With the help of some ingenious data analysis methods, researchers dug a very special gamma-ray pulsar out of data from the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. The pulsar J1838-0537 is radio-quiet, very young, and, during the observation period, experienced the strongest rotation glitch ever observed f...

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