
MIT Engineers Develop Earthworm like Robot
Aug 10, 2012 06:58 AM EDT

Engineers Develop Flexible Robot with Earthworm like Movement

Taking inspiration from nature once again, the researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a earthworm like robot called 'Meshworm' that is developed from soft materials into a meshlike tube that crawls across surfaces by contracting segments of its body, much like an ear...

NASA Moon Lander Prototype Explodes in Test Flight
Aug 10, 2012 06:28 AM EDT

NASA Moon Lander Prototype Explodes During Test Flight

After the successful landing of Mars rover about 150 million miles away, NASA is faces a failure when it's experimental 'green' lander crashed during its first free-flight test on August 9.

Mars Curiosity Sends Images with 360 Degree Color View
Aug 10, 2012 06:01 AM EDT

Mars Curiosity Sends Images with 360 Degree Color View

NASA's Curiosity rover vehicle has sent the first images captured from the color mast camera, or Mastacm. These images were received by the scientists at the NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.

FDA Approves Striverdi Respimat to Treat Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Aug 10, 2012 05:50 AM EDT

Benefits of Statins Outweigh Diabetes Risk

Patients with a risk factor for diabetes are more likely than others to develop the disease when taking Statin, a popular cholesterol-lowering drug. An analysis published Thursday in the medical journal Lancet suggests that the benefits of Statin in preventing heart disease still outweighs the risk.

Aug 10, 2012 05:47 AM EDT

Week Long Speech Therapy May Improve Stuttering

Nearly 5 percent of children and 1 percent of adults suffer with the problem of stuttering. It is more common among children between the ages of two and five, where they develop some form of stuttering. It can last from several weeks to several years.

Less Sleep in Sandpipers Leads to More Offspring: Study
Aug 10, 2012 05:44 AM EDT

Less Sleep in Sandpipers Leads to More Offspring: Study

You might not be able to do without sufficient sleep but male pectoral sandpipers can go more than a fortnight with hardly any sleep, the most extreme case of uninduced sleep deprivation known in any animal.

Exciting New Fossils Shed Light on Early Human Evolution
Aug 09, 2012 06:42 AM EDT

Kenyan Fossils Shed Light on New Human Species

The discovery of skull fossils in Kenya, east of Lake Turkana support the existence of a human ancestor first suggested in the 1970s, shedding light on the origins of modern people. The discovery confirms that there were two additional species of our genus 'Homo' living alongside our direct human an...

Study: Extreme Temperatures Increase Risk of Premature Cardiovascular Death
Aug 09, 2012 06:40 AM EDT

Berlin Heart Device Provides Life-Saving "Bridge" for Young Children

A new study brings hope for hundreds of babies born with heart failure each year. The study, led by Texas Children's Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine (BCM), projected how a tiny heart pump that maintains blood flow in babies and small children with serious heart failure, proved to be effectiv...

Whites More Prone to Suffer From Certain Heart Conditions
Aug 09, 2012 06:32 AM EDT

Hair-Loss Drug Users with Side-Effects Prone to Depression

Men developing persistent sexual side effects while on finasteride (Propecia), a drug commonly used for male-pattern hair loss, have a high prevalence of depressive symptoms and suicidal thoughts.

Tuberculosis Vaccine a New Drug to Fight Type 1 Diabetes
Aug 09, 2012 06:25 AM EDT

Tuberculosis Vaccine a New Drug to Fight Type 1 Diabetes

A study conducted at the Harvard University suggests that the TB vaccine that has been in use for 90 years, may help reverse type 1 diabetes and eliminate the lifelong need for insulin. Though there is no guarantee about the results from this early stage trial, it will stand up in larger studies, w...

Penn Scientists Create 3D map that Offers Clues to Dark Matter and Dark Energy
Aug 09, 2012 06:16 AM EDT

Penn Scientists Create 3D map of Dark Matter and Dark Energy

The largest ever three dimensional map of massive galaxies and distant black holes produced by Sloan digital Sky Survey III (SDSS III), helps in investigating the mysterious "dark matter" and "dark energy" that make up 96 percent of the universe.

Aug 08, 2012 06:49 AM EDT

New Bird Species Discovered in 'Cloud Forest' of Peru

A colorful fruit eating bird with a black mask, pale belly and scarlet breast something that has never been described by science has been discovered by Cornell graduates following an expedition in the remote Peruvian Andes. Now described in the scientific journal,The Auk, the bird has been dubbed th...

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