
Junk Food
Aug 13, 2012 06:49 AM EDT

Junk Food Laws May Help to Arrest Childhood Obesity: Study

New study published in the August issue of Pediatrics sought to determine whether the state laws associated with the regulation of nutrition content had a relationship with lower adolescent weight gain.

Rise in Suicidal Thoughts After Break Up, Study Says
Aug 13, 2012 06:47 AM EDT

Stress and Depression Can Shrink the Brain

New team of researchers led by Yale scientists has discovered major depression or chronic stress can cause the loss of brain volume, a condition that contributes to both emotional and cognitive impairment.

Aug 12, 2012 12:40 PM EDT

Sun is Surrounded by Heaps of Dark Matter

Recently astronomers at the University of Zurich and the ETH Zürich, together with other international researchers, have found large amounts of invisible dark matter near the Sun.

NASA Begins New Mission to Study Earth’s Radiation Belt
Aug 12, 2012 12:34 PM EDT

NASA Begins New Mission to Study Earth’s Radiation Belt

NASA's Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) mission is set to send two spacecraft into harsh environment of our planet's radiation belt. They are set to launch aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket Aug. 23. The 20-minute launch window for the twin probes at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station's ...

Study: Science teachers Responsible for Invasive Species
Aug 12, 2012 05:51 AM EDT

Science Teachers Destabilizing Environment

A survey presented in Portland at the national meeting of the Ecological Society of America claims that one out of the four teachers in the United States and Canada use live animals as part of their science curriculum and release them into the wild after classroom teaching.

Autonomous Robotic Plane Flies Indoors
Aug 12, 2012 05:49 AM EDT

Autonomous Robotic Plane Flies Indoors

But the team of talented MIT's Robust Robotics Group has modulated themselves for an even tougher challenge of developing autonomous-control algorithms for the indoor flight of GPS-denied airplanes. At the 2011 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), a team of researchers from th...

A New Species Discovered  on Flickr
Aug 12, 2012 05:47 AM EDT

New Species Discovered from Flickr Images

An entomologist randomly viewing the images noted the distinct pattern of veins in the insect’s wings, which sport black markings and two white spots that soon struck to realization that no such specie existed till date.

Mars Also Has Land Mass Faults Like Earth
Aug 11, 2012 06:18 AM EDT

Mars Also Has Land Mass Faults Like Earth

For decades the scientists were under the impression that plate tectonics didn't really exist in our solar system other than Earth. But the latest discovery by the UCLA scientists has proved the previous finding false. The team has found similar geological phenomenon involving movement of huge crust...

Drug Used to Treat Arrhythmia Linked with Increased Risk of Cancer
Aug 11, 2012 06:16 AM EDT

Daily Aspirin May Reduces Cancer Mortality

A new study by the American Cancer Society (ACS) found that people who consume low dose of aspirin to cut the risk of heart related problems, may have an added benefit as its use modestly lowers cancer mortality rates, but the benefit may not be as great as was previously thought.

Mars Curiosity to Receive Brain Transplant
Aug 11, 2012 06:13 AM EDT

Mars Curiosity to Receive Brain Transplant

After successful landing on Mars the Curiosity rover has been capturing images of regions we have never explored. The Curiosity will spend first weekend on Mars transitioning to software that is better suited for the task rover will venture for its mission. A few transitions it will undergo are driv...

Unusual Strong Summer Storm over Arctic
Aug 11, 2012 06:07 AM EDT

Unusual Strong Summer Storm over Arctic

The coast of Alaska witnessed something strange on the August 5. An unusually strong storm formed off the coast was tracked to the centre of the Arctic Ocean, where it dissipated after several days. It was on August 6 that NASA's Aqua satellite captured the natural color mosaic image with the Modera...

FDA Approves First Combination Pill 'Harvoni' to Treat Hepatitis C
Aug 11, 2012 06:04 AM EDT

Talon Gets Approval of FDA to Treat Rare Leukemia

The Food and Drug Administration has approved Talon Therapeutics Marqibo treatment to treat adults with a rare form of blood cancer and bone marrow cancer, PPhiladelphia chromosome negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

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