
Cadaver Stem Cells
Jun 13, 2012 01:26 PM EDT

Stem Cells Live In Dead Bodies

French scientists have found stem cells alive and well up to 17 days after the a body's death.

Jun 13, 2012 01:06 PM EDT

Cocaine Creation Revealed

A group of biochemists have uncovered a crucial step that cocoa plants use to create cocaine.

Happy people
Jun 13, 2012 12:29 PM EDT

Happiness Comes From Your Gut

Bacteria in your gut early in life may play a key role in your serotonin levels, even as an adult.

Jimi Hendrix
Jun 13, 2012 12:19 PM EDT

Jimi Hendrix Sounds Like An Animal Distress Call

The reason that rock and roll might be so exciting may be because it sounds like an animal distress call.

Child with shapes
Jun 13, 2012 11:45 AM EDT

Child's Ability With Shapes Translates To Better Math Skills

A toddler's grasp of spatial knowledge can be an indicator of how well they do in other fields later in life.

Diesel Pollution
Jun 12, 2012 03:32 PM EDT

Diesel Exhaust Definitively Linked To Cancer

An important cancer research group is calling for new awareness on the dangers of diesel exhaust.

UCSB Experiement
Jun 12, 2012 03:06 PM EDT

Why You Dial A Phone The Way You Do: Your Brain Makes Information Chunks

A recent study from UCSB reveals how our brain attempts to maximize the efficiency of our movements with the least effort.

Jun 12, 2012 02:22 PM EDT

Nature vs. Nurture, Or Simply Where You Live?

Where you live might determine whether your environment, or your genes will play a bigger role in your growth.

Curiosity Landing Site
Jun 12, 2012 01:47 PM EDT

NASA Mars Rover "Curiosity" Gets New, Smaller Landing Site

Scientists have relocated the landing site of the Mars rover Curiosity to be closer to where it will carry out experiments.

Jun 12, 2012 01:20 PM EDT

Penis-Fencing Flatworms

Watch the unique flatworm mating ritual.

Soccer-playing robots
Jun 12, 2012 11:41 AM EDT

Soccer-Playing Robots In Thailand

Teams of college students have created soccer playing robots for a Thai competition hosted by Seagate Technology.

Jun 12, 2012 11:20 AM EDT

Quitting Smoking Beneficial Even In Old Age

It's never too late to quit smoking, a new study claims. Even at older ages, quitting smoking is associated with a decreased mortality rate health benefits.

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