
Birth of a New star in McNeil’s Nebula
Jul 04, 2012 08:01 AM EDT

Birth of a New star in McNeil’s Nebula

Some unusual violent behaviour of a young sun like star spinning at high speed and spewing out super hot plasma has observed with the combination of the X ray vision of three space telescope including the ESA's XMM Newton.

A T Shirt Could Charge your Gadget
Jul 04, 2012 07:52 AM EDT

A T Shirt Could Charge your Gadget

The engineers from the University of South Carolina have come with a product that is inexpensive and eco friendly; and ready to charge your gadgets ranging from something as simple to your cell phone to tablets and other devices. For this, the researchers have fixed their gaze on a simple cotton T ...

CERN is Certain About God Particle
Jul 04, 2012 07:16 AM EDT

CERN is Certain About God Particle

The European Organisation for nuclear research had finally solved the greatest mystery of science by discovering the new subatomic particle the elusive Higgs boson or 'God Particle'.

 teenagers suffering from mental ailments and psychiatric disorders such as anxiety and phobias go untreated
Jul 04, 2012 06:47 AM EDT

Teens Suffer with Anger Disorders and It Needs Intervention

Escalating violence among teens is due to a variety of reason rather than just one. Harvard Medical School researchers have found that 1 in 12 teens suffer from what's being called "Intermittent explosive disorder (IED)."

Jul 04, 2012 06:31 AM EDT

FDA Okays Home HIV Test

The Food and Drug Administration approved a kit for at-home HIV test after decades of controversy. Bu using this, a person can get preliminary results in less than 30 minutes.

LHC Higgs Boson
Jul 03, 2012 05:28 AM EDT

Hints of Higgs come from Chicago

The scientists have announced Monday that they had sufficient evidence to prove the existence of Higgs boson most popularly known as God Particle. The announcement by the Fermi National Accelerator Lab outside Chicago came two days before physicists at CERN, the European particle accelerator near Ge...

New Expedition to Unlock Mystery of Earhart's Flight
Jul 03, 2012 05:11 AM EDT

New Expedition to Unlock Mystery of Earhart's Flight

The first woman to receive the U.S Distinguished Flying Cross, Amealia Earhart was the first aviatrix to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Exactly 75 years back Amelia disappeared when she departed from her final flight over the Pacific.

Orion Capsule for Deep Space Exploration at Kennedy Center
Jul 03, 2012 03:41 AM EDT

Orion Capsule for Deep Space Exploration at Kennedy Center

NASA's first Orion vehicle developed to fly astronauts to asteroids, the moon and to Mars has been delivered to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. This spacecraft that will launched in 2014 on a test mission. Designed to carry on board only four crew members, Orion will make it first two flights u...

Jul 03, 2012 03:12 AM EDT

HPV Infection Multiplies Risk of Skin Cancer

A new study done by the researchers at the Motiff Cancer center and colleagues at the University of Florida, the German Cancer Research center in Heidelberg and the international Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France, and found that certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection may b...

Scientists all Set to Declare God Particle Discovery
Jul 02, 2012 07:11 AM EDT

Scientists all Set to Declare God Particle Discovery

Scientists at Cern are all set to announce that the obscure Higgs Boson 'God Particle' has been discovered. One of science's greatest mysteries will be answered on the Wednesday on the eve of international conference in which more than 800 physicists will be present in Melbourne.

Physical Pain has Emotional Link
Jul 02, 2012 07:02 AM EDT

Physical Pain has Emotional Link

A new study done at the North-western University in Chicago, U.S suggests that "emotions determine why some people are more likely to suffer chronic pain than others."

1 in 8 American Children Maltreated Before Age 18, Yale Study Claims
Jul 02, 2012 06:53 AM EDT

Spanking Children Makes Them Prone to Mental Disorders

A new study from the American Academy of Pediatrics shows that the children who underwent harsh physical punishment such as smacking, spanking and shoving as a tool to instill discipline, showed strong association with mental and personality disorders. These children face higher odds of mental ailme...

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