
Scientists are developing high-brilliance laser beam sources, which enable the laser welding of plastics
Jul 18, 2012 08:30 AM EDT

Record Breaking 500 Trillion Watts Laser Shot Delivered

The United States National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has successfully fired the most powerful laser beam ever recorded.

Study: Big Cats Living in Urbanized Area in India
Jul 18, 2012 08:28 AM EDT

Snow Leopard Habitat in Danger Due to Climate Change

A new study done by the conservation group World wildlife Fund claims that climate change presents a heightened threat for snow leopards in the Himalaya Mountains. It says nearly 30 percent of the snow leopard habitat in the Himalayas may be lost to treeline shift due to greenhouse gas emission.

3D model of Cold Virus to Cure Common Cold
Jul 18, 2012 08:27 AM EDT

3D model of Cold Virus to Cure Common Cold

The Australian scientists for the first time have developed a three dimensional model of one of the viruses responsible for common cold, with the help of the fastest computer IBM blue Gene Q. This new development probes scientists into new targets for drug treatments which could save many lives worl...

Excessive Carbon Bonding Is Breaking Glaciers
Jul 18, 2012 07:32 AM EDT

Huge Ice Chunk Parts From Greenland Glacier. Where is Earth Heading To?

A huge chunk of iceberg twice the size of Manhattan parted from Greenland's Petermann glacier signifying another dramatic change in the environment due to global warming or climate change and rise in ocean temperatures.

Antibody Treatment Halts Alzheimer’s Disease for Three Years
Jul 18, 2012 06:27 AM EDT

Antibody Treatment Halts Alzheimer’s Disease for Three Years

For the first time the researchers have come up with a treatment that will help stabilize Alzheimer's disease for as much as three years, although a small study but sounds promising enough. The study claims that the drug used for immune disorders may offer long term benefits to Alzheimer's patients.

New Type 2 Diabetes Drug Farxiga Approved by FDA
Jul 18, 2012 06:24 AM EDT

FDA Approves Another Weight-Loss Pill, Qsymia

After 1999, a second weight pill of biopharmaceutical company Vivus has won the approval of the Food and Drug Administration. The new drug Qsymia has an addition to a reduced calorie diet and exercise for chronic weight management.

Sedentary Living Corrodes Body, Shortens Lifespan
Jul 18, 2012 06:22 AM EDT

Sedentary Living Corrodes Body, Shortens Lifespan

According to a study that is being published online in The Lancet, "physical inactivity has a negative global impact so severe that its adverse effects on health that is being equated that of smoking or obesity."

Mars Rover Landing Game for Xbox
Jul 17, 2012 07:16 AM EDT

Mars Rover Landing Game for Xbox

NASA unveiled a new video game Monday to mark the landing of its huge Curiosity Mars Rover on August 5. This game takes the players through spacecraft's seven minutes of terror of a landing.

Sunita Williams Begins Second Stay in Space
Jul 17, 2012 06:40 AM EDT

Sunita Williams Begins Second Stay in Space

The Russian spacecraft Soyuz TMA carries the record setting American astronaut Sunita Williams and two others, docked with the International Space Station early Tuesday for a four month mission Known as "Expedition 32".

Study Ties Poor Oral Health to Cancer Causing Oral HPV Infection
Jul 17, 2012 04:57 AM EDT

Keep Oral Hygiene as Dental Fillings may Induce Behavioural Problem

A latest research done claims that, kids who get dental fillings done using BPA are more likely fall a prey of behavioural and emotional problems later. This new study was published in the July 16 issue of Pediatrics.

Flagging Economy Fuels Child Abuse
Jul 17, 2012 04:48 AM EDT

Flagging Economy Fuels Child Abuse

A recent study done by the researchers at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) Policy Lab detected a strong relationship between the rate of child physical abuse and local mortgage foreclosures, seen during the recession.

 Study Ties Sleep Problems to Faster Rate of Decline in Brain Volume
Jul 16, 2012 07:30 AM EDT

Alzheimer’s Spotted with Abnormalities in Gait

A study presented at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference, Canada, claims that the way you walk could be a good hint in determining whether or not you would be a victim of dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

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