
Artificial Sweeteners Can Keep Check On Calories
Jul 11, 2012 03:40 AM EDT

Artificial Sweeteners Can Keep Check On Calories

Non-nutritive sweeteners has the potential to help people reach and maintain a healthy body weight and help people who are fighting diabetes and glucose control.

Black Hole
Jul 10, 2012 07:47 AM EDT

Black Holes Come In All Sizes – A Mid-Size Variety In Astronomers Sight

A team of international researchers have detected a midsize black hole using Australia's Compact array radio telescope from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO). The chance discovery occurred when researchers noticed the black hole emitting vast amounts of X-rays.

Sense to Navigation that is magnetic
Jul 10, 2012 07:43 AM EDT

Sense to Navigation that is magnetic

The researchers from the University of Munich in Germany claim that salmons, rainbow trout, turtles and many birds can migrate a thousand of miles at a time sensing the Earth's magnetic field.

Surrogate Robots To Become Part of Human Race
Jul 10, 2012 05:52 AM EDT

Surrogate Robots To Become Part of Human Race

The team of researchers are now working on ways to make the man-machine link more sensitive, allowing people to speak through a robot. They plan on using FMRI machine which scans the brains and displays the activity in real time. These FMRI monitor the blood flowing through the brain and this assis...

Small Alteration in Lifestyles Reduces the Risk of Stroke
Jul 10, 2012 04:31 AM EDT

Junk Old Theory: Exercise To Reduces Hot Flashes

A new health study claims that regular exercise decreases the frequency and severity of hot flashes in menopausal women. Women who are obese or overweight or those who lead sedentary lifestyle suffer from perceptions of hot flashes.

Sit Less and Live More
Jul 10, 2012 03:23 AM EDT

Walk around will definitely add additional years into your life

The new study claims that, "Sitting less could extend your life. You can extend your life span by two years by sitting for fewer than three hours a day."

Jul 09, 2012 07:56 AM EDT

US Tops Obesity Population List

A research done by the London School of Hygiene claims that, 'the rising level of fatness around the world could have the same effect on the global resources as an extra billion people'. This research was published in the BMC Public health.

Robot Plane Heralds Future Of Air Travel
Jul 09, 2012 07:05 AM EDT

Robot Plane Heralds Future Of Air Travel

A new flying machine "a robot plane" that is designed to take off without any human intervention is flying above the skies in Britain. This robot plan can withstand the bad weather and land safely without the pilots command.

Men Prone To Knee Ligament Injury
Jul 09, 2012 06:47 AM EDT

Men Prone To Knee Ligament Injury

A new Swedish study finds that men in that country suffered more with Anterior Cruciate Ligament tears (ACL) than the Swedish women do. These kinds of ACL injuries (mostly instability of knee) are very common in United States.

Alarmingly Low Concern For Global Warming Issue
Jul 09, 2012 04:52 AM EDT

Alarmingly Low Concern For Global Warming Issue

But the recent poll conducted by the Washington Post-Stanford University indicates that Global Warming has lost its status of being America's top environmental concern.

Unique Pair of Red Dwarfs Astonishes Scientists
Jul 08, 2012 03:50 PM EDT

Unique Pair of Red Dwarfs Astonishes Scientists

A new observation made by the team of scientists using the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) in Hawaii, forces to condemn the age old theory that close-in binary stars could not exist. Because this new observation found four different pairs of binary system whose stars are so close to each...

Fertility Drug Posses Risk of Breast Cancer
Jul 08, 2012 03:42 PM EDT

Fertility Drug Posses Risk of Breast Cancer

The researchers from the National Institute of Health have revealed that Ovulation-Stimulating Fertility drugs temporarily elevates estrogen levels which trigger breast cancer.

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