
YouTube Videos to Treat Vertigo
Jul 26, 2012 08:34 AM EDT

YouTube Videos to Treat Vertigo

There is a lot you can learn from the popular video sharing website YouTube. Right from providing access to a wide range of Audio and Videos to YouTube now offers to cure people suffering from Vertigo.

Star and Planets
Jul 26, 2012 06:22 AM EDT

Alien Solar System Does Exist

Our solar system isn't unique anymore. This is because astronomers have detected an alien solar system whose planets are arranged in a similar manner to ours. The assumption that our solar system was the only one around is laid to rest with some interesting data collected from NASA's Kepler space te...

Billions of Cosmic Rays Detected by Magnetic Spectrometer
Jul 26, 2012 05:49 AM EDT

Billions of Cosmic Rays Detected by Magnetic Spectrometer

The AMS particle detector, the very last mission of the space shuttle Endeavour was used to address some of the most exciting mysteries of modern physics, looking for antimatter and dark matter in space, phenomena that have remained elusive.

Odyssey Nudged Back to Witness Curiosity Landing on Mars
Jul 25, 2012 07:33 AM EDT

Odyssey Nudged Back to Witness Curiosity Landing on Mars

NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft has successfully adjusted its orbital location to be in a better position to provide prompt confirmation of the August landing of the Curiosity rover on the red planet.

Combination of Drugs Effective in TB Treatment
Jul 25, 2012 06:38 AM EDT

Combination of Drugs Effective in TB Treatment

Tuberculosis remains a deadly threat worldwide. There haven't been any new medications to treat TB in the four decades. But a latest study in South Africa raises hope in battling with this deadly lung diseases even if they are resistant to today's main drugs.

Excess of Sugar Sweetened Soft Drinks Linked to Elevated Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Jul 25, 2012 05:35 AM EDT

Soft Drinks Make Metabolism Inefficient and Breed Diseases

New research done by a team at the Bangor University has shown strong evidence to the previously existing concern over sugary drinks. The new study claims that sugary drinks lead to alterations in muscles similar to those in people with obesity problems and type-2 diabetes.

Greenland Ice Sheet
Jul 25, 2012 05:29 AM EDT

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Melting Rapidly

Nearly the entire ice cover of Greenland, from its thin, low-lying coastal edges to its two-mile-thick center, experienced some degree of melting at its surface.

Polar Bears Arriving on Land Early Due To Climate Change
Jul 24, 2012 10:04 AM EDT

New DNA Study Traces Polar Bear Evolution

The scientist have conducted an in depth analysis of the polar bear genomes, in order to trace the species evolution claiming that climate change and genetic exchange with brown bears helped create the polar bear.

Russian Cargo Spacecraft Fails to Dock to ISS
Jul 24, 2012 10:02 AM EDT

Russian Cargo Spacecraft's Test Fails

An unmanned Russian cargo ship has failed to successfully dock with International Space Station (ISS), during tests deigned to facilitate future links ups. The Russian Mission controls have not specified any reason for this failure, and are still probing into this issue.

Ontario Notices a Drop in Heart Failure by 33 Percent
Jul 24, 2012 06:22 AM EDT

Increased Heart Attack Risk Associated with Hip and Knee Replacement

A new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine claims that people over the age of 60 who have had total hip replacement (THR) and total knee replacement (TKR) surgeries were more inclined to acute myocardial infarction (AMI, or heart attack). The risk remains high for up to six weeks aft...

Spacewalkers to Plan a Second Attempt to Fix Space Station Repairs
Jul 24, 2012 06:08 AM EDT

NASA Successfully Tests Hypersonic Inflatable heat Shield

NASA's Space Technology Program had developed a large inflatable heat shield which successfully survived a trip through Earth's atmosphere while travelling at hypersonic speeds up to 7,600 mph.

River Networks on Saturn’s Moon Might Have Undergone Erosion Similar to Earth
Jul 24, 2012 05:15 AM EDT

River Networks on Saturn’s Moon Might Have Undergone Erosion Similar to Earth

The geological past of Saturn's largest moon Titan was hidden beneath a thick methane and nitrogen atmosphere and this hazy blanket of gases kept its perplexing terrain unexplored. Saturn's largest moon appeared through telescopes as a hazy orange orbit, in contrast with other heavily-cratered moons...

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