
Cancer Rates Lower in New York Than Upstate
Jul 24, 2012 04:47 AM EDT

Cancer Rates Lower in New York Than Upstate

The American Cancer Society released an analysis in which they depicted higher lung cancer rates in Upstate (located north of core New York metropolitan area) versus New York City. The Cancer Burden in New York State suggests that the huge difference exists due to the prevalence of excessive smoking...

Man Made Pores Reflect Features of Natural Pores
Jul 23, 2012 07:55 AM EDT

Man Made Pores Can Act As Gate-Keeper

The international research team had created synthetic pores that mimic the activity of cellular ion channels, which play a vital role in human health by blocking the types of materials allowed to enter cells.

Scientists Create Artificial Jellyfish Using Silicon Polymer and Rat Cells
Jul 23, 2012 07:08 AM EDT

Scientists Create Artificial Jellyfish Using Silicon Polymer and Rat Cells

A team of researchers from Harvard University and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have used recent advances in marine biomechanics, material science and tissue engineering to turn inanimate silicone and living cardiac muscle cells into a freely swimming jellyfish.

Smokers Costs an Employer Extra $6,000 a Year: Study
Jul 23, 2012 07:02 AM EDT

E-Cigarettes Still Smokers Favorite

A new study that is being published in the American Journal of Public Health reveals that 40.2 percent of the Americans have heard of e-cigarettes and over 70 percent believe they are less harmful than regular cigarettes. In addition, current smokers are more likely to use e-cigarettes than non-smok...

Jul 23, 2012 06:59 AM EDT

FDA Approves Afinitor for Advanced Breast Cancer

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Afinitor in advanced breast cancer treatment. The medicine is only for postmenopausal women battling an advanced form of estrogen-sensitive tumor known as hormone-receptor positive, HER2-negative breast cancer. The pill-based drug is being used ...

NASA Space Telescopes Detect Patchy Clouds on Alien World 'Kepler-7b’
Jul 22, 2012 12:02 PM EDT

Exoplanet Planet Gliese 581g Tops List of Potentially Habitable Worlds

The discovery of the new planet Gilese 581 that was announced in the year 2010, is now back officially with No 1 ranking on the list of a potentially habitable worlds outside of our solar system.

Jul 22, 2012 09:27 AM EDT

UCLA scientists Develop New Transparent Solar Cells Generating Electricity

UCLA researchers have developed a new and innovative transparent solar cell that is an advance towards giving windows in homes and other buildings the ability to generate electricity while still allowing people to see outside.

First Computer Simulated Model of an Organism Achieved
Jul 21, 2012 05:26 AM EDT

First Computer Simulated Model of an Organism Achieved

The first model to be completely simulated by computer software is 'Mycoplasma Genitalium', the world's smallest free living bacterium that lives in the genital and respiratory tracts of humans and other primates. This organism is responsible causing sexually transmitted disease.

NASA to Share Technology on Waste Management
Jul 21, 2012 05:23 AM EDT

NASA to Share Technology on Waste Management

NASA along with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the State Department and Nike Inc. opened the fourth instalment of the Launch initiative Friday.

What Space Smells Like? From Gunpowder to Raspberries
Jul 21, 2012 05:20 AM EDT

What Space Smells Like? From Gunpowder to Raspberries

Most of us would have been curious to know what space smells, because it's so cold and vast and dark. With all this, we tend to recline over the thought that what our olfactory nerves would sense in space? Well, the Astronauts returning after their space walk can help probe into this interesting asp...

Polypill to Extend Your Lifespan
Jul 21, 2012 05:15 AM EDT

Polypill to Extend Your Lifespan

A new study done by the researchers from the Queen Mary University of London claims that, " A polypiill containing four different medicines had a close association in reducing both blood pressure and cholesterol levels in patients who have never been a victim of heart disease."

Dad’s Occupation Linked to Higher Risk of Birth Defects
Jul 21, 2012 05:15 AM EDT

Huge Asteroid to Pass Earth on 22 July

Just after June 14 escape of 2012 LZ1 a hazardous asteroid; another asteroid that is the size of the city block will make its close approach to Earth on the 22July evening.

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