
Small volcanic eruptions could cool Earth
Jul 07, 2012 06:54 AM EDT

Small volcanic eruptions could cool Earth

Team of scientists say that aerosols that are the minute droplets of sulphuric acid from relatively small volcanic bursts can be shot into the high atmosphere weather systems such as monsoons.

Arrest Aging by Taking a Spaceflight
Jul 07, 2012 06:38 AM EDT

Arrest Aging by Taking a Spaceflight

Contrary to earlier assumption that muscles shrink in space, a new research deduces that certain types genes may become active in space and contribute to longer life

Consistent Bed and Wake Time Linked to Lower Body Fat
Jul 07, 2012 05:43 AM EDT

Excessive Coffee Intake Affects Fertility Treatments: Study

A study claims that the amount of coffee consumed by a woman is directly proportional to the success and failure of their infertility treatments.

Pet Theory: Parasites in Cats Increase Mental Imbalance And Suicide Risk
Jul 07, 2012 05:39 AM EDT

Pet Theory: Parasites in Cats Increase Mental Imbalance And Suicide Risk

A new study come up by the researchers at the University of Maryland School astonishes many pet lovers. IT shows link between a cat parasite and increased suicidal tendencies in people, especially women.

Young Star Makes Scientists Rethink Their Planet Formation Theories
Jul 06, 2012 08:08 AM EDT

Young Star Makes Scientists Rethink Their Planet Formation Theories

A new collaborative study has challenged scientists understanding of the planet formation and now suggests that planets might form much faster than previously thought or, stars harbouring planets could be far more numerous.

Soft Robots Come One step Closer to Humans
Jul 06, 2012 07:36 AM EDT

Soft Robots Come One step Closer to Humans

The U.S scientist has invented the world's most advanced pair of biomechanical legs to make robotic legs mimic human walking in a biologically accurate and energy efficient manner.

Fast Food
Jul 06, 2012 06:41 AM EDT

American Fast Food Aggravates Heart Disease Risk in Asians

According to a new research in the American Heart Association's Journal, Southeast Asians who regularly binge on hamburgers, pizza, hotdogs and french-fries are at risk of dying from coronary heart disease or developing type II diabetes.

Happy People
Jul 06, 2012 05:33 AM EDT

High-dose vitamin D prevents fractures in elderly

A latest study funded by the Swiss National Foundation and others claim that regular intake of Vitamin D proves to be beneficial as it reduces the risk of hip and other bone fractures,

Links Found Between Native Americans and Northern Europeans
Jul 05, 2012 08:04 AM EDT

Gold and DNA Combine Could Be Dark Matter Detector

But a few strands of DNA could help in solving the mystery of dark matter. A team of physicists and biologists aim to build a directional dark matter detector using strands of DNA and gold.

NASA’s NuSTAR Telescope Completes 100 Days
Jul 05, 2012 06:54 AM EDT

NuSTAR’s First X-Ray Images Are Of Black Hole

NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array or NuSTAR has captured the first test image of the sizzling high energy X ray universe. NuSTAR that was launched on June 13, is the first space telescope with the ability to focus on high energy, short length X ray lights from some of the most dynamic obj...

Portable Cooling Vest to Minimise Complications of Cardiac Arrest
Jul 05, 2012 05:22 AM EDT

Portable Cooling Vest to Minimise Complications of Cardiac Arrest

A team of scientists from the faculty of Hygiene, Environment & Medicine at the Hohenstein Institute have developed a new therapy that shows how by lowering the body's core temperature one could reduce the likelihood of neurological damage in an event of oxygen deprivation.

When the Barbeque Party GoesWrong
Jul 05, 2012 04:23 AM EDT

When the Barbeque Party Goes Wrong

Then here's something you need to worry!! In the recent years, there have been numerable cases where people were rushed to the hospital after having attended a BBQ party. It's not because of the food consumed but due to the ingestion of grill cleaning brush wires.

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