
Jun 05, 2012 11:55 AM EDT

Infectious Disease May Have Given Birth To Modern Humans

"Behaviorally modern humans" might have arisen from genetic mutations meant to deal with infectious diseases.

Edgar Allan Poe
Jun 05, 2012 10:34 AM EDT

The Link Between Genius And Madness

Mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia may play a role in creative breakthroughs.

Skeeter In Water
Jun 05, 2012 10:02 AM EDT

How Mosquitoes Survive The Rain

Mosquitoes simply "go with the flow" in order to avoid being pummeled by heavy raindrops.

Anthropoid Evolution
Jun 05, 2012 09:43 AM EDT

Myanmar Fossil Discovery Supports Asia Was Where Earliest Anthropoids Evolved

Our common ancestors might have not come from Africa, but Asia.

Female Fruit Fly
Jun 04, 2012 04:26 PM EDT

Why Female Fruit Flies Behave Differently After Sex

The female fruit fly's change in behavior can be linked to a peptide, and their maternal instincts can be activated.

Jun 04, 2012 04:07 PM EDT

New Cancer Treatment: Make Them Self-Destruct

A recent study has uncovered a way to the activate a cell's self-destruct sequence.

Jun 04, 2012 03:22 PM EDT

Primate Facial Gestures May Be The Origins Of Human Speech

Scientists have found lip smacking in macaque monkeys to closely resemble the movements made by humans during speech.

Jun 04, 2012 02:45 PM EDT

Dog Choice May Reveal Certain Personality Traits

Choosing a dog is never easy, but the choice may say more about you than you realize.

Jun 04, 2012 02:28 PM EDT

Cell Calculators Created

Using a series of genetic networks to model logic gates, scientists have created mammalian cells that can perform simple, arithmetic functions.

DNA Double Helix
Jun 04, 2012 02:10 PM EDT

DNA Alphabet Can Be Expanded

Scientists at the Scripps Research Institute have found that unnatural DNA bases can be replicated using normal DNA polymerase just as efficiently as the normal four bases.

Playing In The Mud
Jun 04, 2012 01:26 PM EDT

Getting Dirty Early Might Help You Live Longer

Research shows that exposure to microbes early in life may decrease inflammation connected with diseases such as diabetes, dementia, and cardiovascular disease.

Office Bacteria
Jun 02, 2012 11:44 AM EDT

Men's Offices Home To More Bacteria Than Female Counterparts

Over 500 types of bacteria have been found to live in the average office, and more of them live in offices dominated by males.

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