
Jun 08, 2012 02:24 PM EDT

Vampire Graves Found In Bulgaria

A pair of skeletons unearthed in a Bulgarian town off the Black Sea have rods pinned through their chests.

Playing Video Games
Jun 08, 2012 01:46 PM EDT

Video Games Could Cure "Lazy Eye"

Our brains are not as rigid in adulthood as previously thought, and using video games may help treat those with "lazy eye" in their adulthood.

Beer Drinking
Jun 08, 2012 12:15 PM EDT

Beer And Milk Contain 'Miracle Molecule'

A molecule found in milk and beer helped prevent diabetes and obesity while improving general health with no side effects.

Fruit Flies
Jun 08, 2012 11:43 AM EDT

Sex-Deprived Fruit Flies Turn To Alcohol

When rejected by females, male fruit flies prefer alcoholic foods more than sexually-satisfied males.

Mantis Shrimp
Jun 08, 2012 10:58 AM EDT

Armored Shrimp Inspires New Military Armor

By looking at the structure of the fist of a mantis shrimp, which can survive the equivalent of 50,000 bullet impacts over a lifetime, scientists are hoping to create better impact-resistant structures.

28 Silicon
Jun 08, 2012 09:14 AM EDT

Highly Enriched Silicon Could Lead To Quantum Computing

The new isotope of silicon allows scientists to observe quantum happenings for minutes at a time, with no vacuum.

Children Playing
Jun 08, 2012 09:02 AM EDT

Big Cities Bring On Food Allergies

Higher population densities, such as those found in big cities mean a higher prevalence of food allergies.

Honey Bee
Jun 07, 2012 05:17 PM EDT

Mites Responsible For Honey Bee Virus

Mites are responsible for aggravating a honey bee virus known to have deadly effects.

Jun 07, 2012 04:40 PM EDT

Cockroach Movement Can Advance Robotics

A team of researchers is using a cockroaches movement patterns to build better robots.

Spider Monkey
Jun 07, 2012 12:30 PM EDT

Global Trade Is Affecting Biodiversity

Almost a third of the species threats affecting animals are coming from consumer demand.

Liquor Bottles
Jun 07, 2012 11:39 AM EDT

Sexual Orientation In College Students Linked To Drinking

Young adults exploring their sexual identities tend to drink heavier than those with defined sexual identities.

Jun 07, 2012 11:20 AM EDT

Stress During Childhood Can Affect Short-Term Memory

Being exposed to stress early on can have an effect on a child's brain development.

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