
Yellowstone’s Supervolcano Suddenly Hit By A Swarm Of Earthquakes
Jun 26, 2017 03:54 AM EDT

Yellowstone Update: 770 Earthquakes Recorded Since June 12

Yellowstone earthquakes have reached to about 770 and this raises fear for some people of a possible supervolcano eruption.

NRA celebrates firearms at annual meeting in Atlanta
Jun 23, 2017 05:37 PM EDT

Despite Violent Crime Near All-Time Low, More Guns Bought For Self Defense Than Recreation

A new study show that more guns are being manufactured and bought primarily for self defense instead of hunting or recreational shooting. The NRA stoking fears about Obama had a lot to do with that.

Seniors are instructed in HIV prevention
Jun 23, 2017 03:53 PM EDT

More Sex Leads To Higher Brain Function in Seniors

Study finds that more sexual activity boosts certian brain function in people 50-83.

Dead Spiral Galaxy
Jun 23, 2017 05:18 AM EDT

Discovery Of Ancient, Dead Galaxy Challenges NASA’s Perception Of Galactic Evolution, Here Is Why

A primeval dead galaxy has changed what scientists know about galactic evolution.

Experimental Vaccine Lowers Cholesterol Levels In Mice
Jun 23, 2017 05:10 AM EDT

Vaccine To Lower Cholesterol Looks Promising

A new research shows a promising vaccine that could lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Elon Musk
Jun 23, 2017 05:01 AM EDT

Elon Musk Spends $1B In Developing Reusable Rockets

Could Elon Musk recover the money he spent on developing reusable rockets?

Stephen Hawking
Jun 23, 2017 04:48 AM EDT

Scientists, Celebrities Set To Send Humans To Mars

Stephen Hawking wants humanity to concentrate efforts on colonizing another planet. Many others agree.

NASA’s Kepler Mission Discovers A World Orbiting Two Stars
Jun 23, 2017 04:35 AM EDT

Planet 10 Is Out There, Scientists Reckon

An object the mass between the Earth and Mars may be lurking in the far side of the solar system, scientists say. This could be Planet 10.

Astronomers Discover Dead Disk Galaxy MACS2129-1, Challenges Theories Of Galaxy Evolution
Jun 23, 2017 04:25 AM EDT

Hubble Spots A Fascinating Massive Dead Disk Galaxy

Hubble captures a massive galaxy that stopped making new stars just a few billion years after the Big Bang.

Coffee Beans
Jun 23, 2017 04:14 AM EDT

Climate Change Threatens The World's Most Popular Coffee Bean

How climate change affects the coffee plantations in Ethiopia?

Study: Extra Virgin Olive Oil Protects Brain Against Alzheimer's Disease
Jun 23, 2017 04:02 AM EDT

Consuming Extra Virgin Olive Oil Could Protect Against Cognitive Decline And Alzheimer's Disease

Extra virgin olive could protect the memory and fight against Alzheimer's disease.

Worried child
Jun 23, 2017 03:36 AM EDT

Stress in Childhood Leads to Lifelong Vulnerability in Brain

Researchers at Mount Sinai recently discovered that stressful events experienced early in life activate certain molecules that dictate to what degree and when particular genes are expressed.

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