
Airplane noise
Jun 22, 2017 04:33 PM EDT

New Study Links Long-Term Exposure To Aircraft Noise To High Blood Pressure

The noise isn't just annoying, it could be deadly.

Asteroid Collision
Jun 22, 2017 06:53 AM EDT

Asteroid Collision With Earth Inevitable: ‘Matter Of When Not If,’ Experts Warn

An asteroid strike will have a disastrous effect on Earth and can wipe out major cities, experts warn.

Mars Curiosity Rover
Jun 22, 2017 06:44 AM EDT

Mars Curiosity Rover Spotted By MRO

Somewhere in this photo, the Mars Curiosity rover can be seen continuing on its undeterred journey.

Planet Neptune
Jun 22, 2017 06:27 AM EDT

NASA Completes ‘Ice Giant’ Mission Study

NASA completed mission study on Uranus and Neptune. Understanding the ice giants could lead to answers regarding the evolution of the solar system.

NASA's Operation IceBridge Maps Changes To Antartica's Ice Mass
Jun 22, 2017 06:20 AM EDT

Crack In Antarctic Shelf Ready To Produce Iceberg

Bali-sized ice breaking off from the Antarctic Peninsula worries scientists.

Total Solar Eclipse: Prepare Yourself For The 'Big One' On Aug. 21, 2017
Jun 22, 2017 06:03 AM EDT

Countdown: The Great American Eclipse Is Just 2 Months Away From Now

Watch NASA briefing on Total Solar Eclipse Science 2017!

Portugal Forest Fires Kill 62 Near Coimbra
Jun 22, 2017 05:46 AM EDT

Portugal Mourns: The 'Road Of Hell' Kills 62 People

A survivor described the giant forest fire in Portugal as hell and end of the world.

DNA Replication Animation
Jun 22, 2017 05:34 AM EDT

Unraveling DNA Replication For The First Time On Video

The scientists were surprised by what they have seen in the video showing this hereditary material.

Mutation Linked To Lifespan In Men
Jun 22, 2017 05:07 AM EDT

Genetic Mutation Could Increase The Lifespan Of Men By 10 Years

A genetic mutation could make men live longer, according to a new study.

Scientists Discover Something Surprising About Mountain Lions
Jun 22, 2017 04:49 AM EDT

Mountain Lions Are Afraid Of Humans, A New Study Reveals

Mountain lions are afraid of humans just as humans are afraid of them.

Dead leaves, live squirrel
Jun 21, 2017 08:04 PM EDT

Some Greenhouse Gases are Produced in Your Own Backyard

Decomposing leaves in your backyard are contributing to climate change.

HiRISE Finds Curiosity Moving Up Mt. Sharp
Jun 21, 2017 07:57 PM EDT

Lonely Curiosity Climbs a Mountain on Mars—And There It Is!

HiRISE, an orbiting camera above Mars, was able to photo the rover Curiosity climbing up the slopes of Mt. Sharp.

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