
NASA's Operation IceBridge Maps Changes To Antartica's Ice Mass
Jun 16, 2017 05:20 AM EDT

Unusual Antarctic Weather Leads To Texas-Sized Melt

Texas-sized melt in Antarctica worries scientists.

Russian Resupply Ship Launches To The International Space Station
Jun 16, 2017 05:10 AM EDT

A Kazakh Man Caught In A Fire Caused By Debris From A Russian Space Launch

A Kazakh man died and another man injured after the launch of the Russian space rocket on Wednesday.

Artist's Conception Of New Planet
Jun 16, 2017 04:55 AM EDT

Jupiter Is Oldest Planet In Solar System, New Evidence Points Out

Jupiter may be the oldest planet in the solar system, scientists say.

The Sun
Jun 16, 2017 04:45 AM EDT

Astronomical Twins: Lonely Sun May Have Had A Pair

New studies reveal that the Sun may have had a pair that melted into the Milky Way.

Vermilion Cliffs: Why Are They So Red?
Jun 16, 2017 04:40 AM EDT

How Did The Rocks Get So Red At The Vermilion Cliffs In Arizona?

Why are the rocks at the Vermilion Cliffs in Arizona so red?

Reveal That Broccoli Reverses Diabetes Damage!
Jun 16, 2017 04:30 AM EDT

A Compound Found In Broccoli Could Reduce Blood Sugar Levels

Broccoli extract could significantly reduce the blood sugar levels of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

NASA’s SOFIA Discovers Cool Dust Around Active Black Holes
Jun 15, 2017 07:25 AM EDT

NASA’s SOFIA Discovers Cool Dust Around Active Black Holes

The dust surrounding ravenous and active black holes is cool, according to a recent research.

China To Grow Potatoes On The Moon
Jun 15, 2017 07:18 AM EDT

China Wants To Grow Potatoes On The Moon

A team of Chinese scientists wants to grow potatoes on the lunar surface.

Space baby
Jun 15, 2017 07:13 AM EDT

Sex and Reproduction In Space a Real Concern, Has Implications On Colonizing Other Worlds

Scientist says sex in space needs to be studied urgently. Sign me up.

Amazon Basin
Jun 15, 2017 07:05 AM EDT

Building 428 Hydroelectric Dams In Amazon Basin Spells Disaster For Nature & Environment, Scientists Warn

A proposed extensive network of hydroelectric dams may jeopardize the future of the Amazon basin.

Earth Between Saturn And Sun
Jun 15, 2017 05:40 AM EDT

Saturn At Its Best And Closest View During Its Opposition On June 15

Do not miss looking at the spectacular ringed-planet Saturn at its best and closest view on the night of June 15.

Two-Headed Porpoise
Jun 15, 2017 05:20 AM EDT

Rare Two-Headed Porpoise Found In North Sea

The rare anomaly is only the 10th ever to be recorded in history, scientists say.

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