
Jan 14, 2013 11:43 AM EST

Easy way found to convert stem cells into neurons, could heal Alzheimer's

It is possible to convert stem cells into functional neurons by repressing a single protein, scientists in the U.S. and China found, which could allow for huge progress in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases like Huntington's, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

billions of planets
Jan 13, 2013 02:05 AM EST

More planets than stars in our galaxy

How common are Earth-sized planets? A study dealing with this question was officially published on January 11, and independently from that, a graphic from NASA appeared the day after, illustrating another extrapolation from recent data taken by NASA's orbiting Kepler spacecraft. According to the lat...

Health care
Jan 12, 2013 04:49 PM EST

Study reveals Americans have lowest life expectancy among rich nations

An extensive report by a panel of experts from the National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine in the US found that Americans die younger and have higher rates of many types of diseases and injuries than people in other high-income countries.

Jan 11, 2013 09:48 PM EST

Asteroid Apophis will definitely not strike Earth in 2036

Another doomsday option passed away, since refined calculations yielded the result that the Earth-threatening asteroid Apophis won't impact our planet with the force of a multitude of nuclear warheads in 2036. As the asteroid flew by Earth this Wednesday, detailed observations showing the exact proj...

K-DEMO fusion
Jan 11, 2013 08:32 PM EST

Korea signs up PPPL to help develop future K-DEMO fusion reactor

Several of the partner countries that are currently building the international experimental fusion reactor ITER, including the EU, China, Japan and India are already contemplating their own demonstration facilities as the next step toward commercial fusion power. Korea is also doing so with K-DEMO, ...

Jan 11, 2013 03:01 PM EST

Virus filmed for first time while infecting a cell

For the first time, a virus has been observed and "filmed" in detail in the act of ejecting its genetic material in a host cell, infecting it. The research, appearing in Science Express, reveals some unknown changes in the structure of a virus as it infects an E. coli bacterium.

Jan 11, 2013 02:21 PM EST

Artificial Poop Could Fight Off Stomach Infections

Researchers have created an artificial "poop" aimed at treating recurrent infections of C. difficile, a toxin-producing bacterium that causes severe stomach irritations.

quasar largest structure
Jan 11, 2013 02:02 PM EST

Largest structure in universe discovered, extremely old galaxy cores

Astronomers announced today that they had observed the largest structure yet seen in the universe, an enormous cluster of galaxies from the early Universe that spans an astonishing four billion light-years.

giant galaxy crash
Jan 11, 2013 10:51 AM EST

Largest spiral galaxy measured and pictured

NGC 6872, the largest spiral galaxy in the known universe, was now measured by astronomers. They employed existing materials from several telescopes, including the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO), the Two Micron All Sky Survey, NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, and NAS...

Jan 10, 2013 07:40 PM EST

US ITER fusion researchers working on plasma disruption mitigation

ITER, the world's first reactor-scale fusion machine, will have a plasma volume more than 10 times that of the next largest tokamak, JET. Which also means that problems in controlling the inherently unstable, super-heated plasma are 10 times more delicate.

electric sail
Jan 10, 2013 06:34 PM EST

Superthin wire for electric sail space propulsion engineered

An one kilometer long electric sail (ESAIL), which is meant to interact with the solar wind (charged particles from the sun) to produce long-distance propulsion power for a spacecraft, has now successfully been manufactured for the first time, announced the Electronics Research Laboratory at the Uni...

Jan 10, 2013 05:56 PM EST

Extragalactic star that mimicked a supernova finally exploded

Astronomers are announcing today that a massive star, which they have watched repeatedly mimic a supernova since 2009, has finally exploded for real.

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