
Jan 10, 2013 05:45 PM EST

Extrasolar moons will support life just as likely as exoplanets

With thousands of exoplanets discovered in just the past few years, showing that planetary systems are actually the norm in our galaxy and universe, it is very likely that there are also countless moons. Scientists now published research on the question if and how those moons could support life in t...

Jan 10, 2013 05:03 PM EST

Dark Energy Alternatives to Einstein Are Running Out of Room

Research by University of Arizona astronomy professor Rodger Thompson finds that a popular alternative to Albert Einstein's theory for the acceleration of the expansion of the universe does not fit newly obtained data on a fundamental constant, the proton to electron mass ratio.

hair cells
Jan 10, 2013 03:31 PM EST

Deafened mice enabled to hear again by drug

Sound sensing cells in the ears of mice could be regrown with the help of a compound found by researchers from Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary.

Jan 10, 2013 11:48 AM EST

2012 hottest year on record in continental US, second most extreme

It is official: The year 2012 was the warmest and second most extreme year on record for the contiguous U.S. according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Climatic Data Center.

asteroid belts
Jan 09, 2013 05:34 PM EST

First asteroid belts discovered in Vega system, points to exoplanets

Signs of two large asteroid belts around Vega, which is the second brightest star in northern night skies, were reportedly found by astronomers employing the two infrared space telescopes Herschel from the European Space Agency, and Spitzer from NASA.

Jan 09, 2013 04:19 PM EST

Galactic skeleton of Milky Way discovered partly

Our Milky Way is a spiral galaxy - a pinwheel-shaped collection of stars, gas and dust. It has a central bar and two major spiral arms that wrap around its disk. Since we view the Milky Way from the inside, its exact structure is difficult to determine.

Jan 09, 2013 04:10 PM EST

Asteroid Apophis bigger than thought, passes by Earth tonight

The European ESA's Herschel space observatory made new observations of asteroid Apophis as it approached Earth this weekend. The data shows the asteroid to be bigger than first estimated, and less reflective.

Jan 09, 2013 03:02 PM EST

Scientists combine synthetic and biological nanoparticles to produce new metamaterials

Aalto University scientists have organized synthetic and biological building blocks in a single structure - combining virus particles (and other protein cages) with inorganic nanoparticles to form crystalline layer structures, or superlattices.

Formalhaut sauron
Jan 09, 2013 12:21 PM EST

Rogue orbit of planet Fomalhaut b could lead to crash in 2032

Newly-released Hubble images of the Fomalhaut system, which was called 'Eye of Sauron' by some, shows a vast debris belt which is wider than previously known, and hosts a rogue planet on a potential collision path.

Jan 08, 2013 06:15 PM EST

Brief interruptions spawn errors in surprising quantity

Short interruptions and distractions - like from emails, mobile phone notifications etc - have a surprisingly large effect on one's ability to accurately complete a task, according to new research by Michigan State University psychologists.

Jan 08, 2013 05:49 PM EST

Giant squids filmed first time by deep-sea submarine

The first videos ever shot of giant Architeuthis squids in their natural deep-sea habitat have been shot by Japan Broadcasting Corp. (NHK). Screen grabs from the footage captured in July 2012 were now released, which show a 3-meter giant near Chichi island, about 1000 kilometers south of Tokyo.

curiosity brush
Jan 08, 2013 02:05 PM EST

Mars-brush used by rover Curiosity to sweep Red Dust

Mars Exploration Rover Curiosity used another of its many tools for the first time: the brush! Which is really just doing that, cleaning the floor, in this case select Mars rocks. Its a sophisticated, space-certified, motorized, wire-bristle brush though, attached on the turret at the end of the rov...

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