
Jan 04, 2013 06:44 PM EST

Researchers decrypt toxic protein linked to Alzheimer’s in step to new treatments

Alzheimer's disease is associated with the development of a toxic protein in the brain known as amyloid beta. The amyloid beta protein rapidly self-assembles in the brain and builds up to form plaques which are a hallmark of the disease.

Jan 04, 2013 06:33 PM EST

German physicists created strange below absolute zero gas

Physicists at the Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich and the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching have created an atomic gas in the laboratory that has negative Kelvin values. These negative absolute temperatures have several apparently absurd consequences: although the atoms in the ...

Jan 04, 2013 04:44 PM EST

Plan for dragging asteroid into lunar orbit surfaced

Plans by NASA to utilize a robotic spacecraft to drag a small asteroid to a lunar orbit surfaced today. According to researchers with the Keck Institute for Space Studies in California, such a mission would cost about $2.6 billion and could happen by the 2020s

Jan 04, 2013 10:47 AM EST

Planet formation is the norm, thus there are billions in our galaxy, says study

Look up at the night sky and you'll see stars, sure. But you're also seeing planets -- billions and billions of them. At least

Andromeda galaxy disk
Jan 04, 2013 10:32 AM EST

Giant Andromeda Galaxy circled by disk of dwarf galaxies

A new study shows an unexpected phenomenon in our nearest giant cosmic neighbor, the Andromeda galaxy. A majority of its dwarf galaxy companions are aligned in a giant disk that appears to rotate around the bright host also known as Messier 31.

snow desert
Jan 03, 2013 06:29 PM EST

Snow-Covered Desert [NASA Image of the day]

Snow-covered deserts are rare, but that's exactly what the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite observed as it passed over the Taklimakan Desert in western China on Jan. 2, 2013. Snow has covered much of the desert since a storm blew through the area on Dec....

Meteorite Mars
Jan 03, 2013 06:21 PM EST

Meteorite from Martian surface contains high amount of water

A small meteorite, found 2011 in the Sahara Desert, could be the first ever discovered from the Martian surface or crust. Researcher who analyzed it over the course of 2012 announced that it contains between 10 and 30 times more water than other Martian meteorites, that are from unknown origins.

Jan 03, 2013 04:04 PM EST

Early life growth rate determines lifespan

Early life growth rates significantly shorten or prolong the lifespan of fish used in an experiment researchers from the University of Glasgow. They found that manipulating growth rates of stickleback fish bodies can extend their lifespan by nearly a third or reduce it by 15 percent.

Jan 03, 2013 02:48 PM EST

Fructose affects brain in a way that causes overeating, scientists find

Fructose doesn't appear to trigger a feeling of fullness in the human brain, and could thus lead to overeating and obesity, according to a new study from scientists at Yale University.

ESO ALMA telescope
Jan 03, 2013 11:57 AM EST

Ready for hyperspace? Whirling Southern Star Trails over ALMA

The dramatic whirls of stars in the sky are reminiscent of van Gogh's Starry Night, or - for science fiction fans - perhaps the view from a spacecraft about to enter hyperspace. In reality, though, they show the rotation of the Earth, revealed by the photograph's long exposure. In the southern hemis...

Jan 03, 2013 11:42 AM EST

Galactic fireworks of exploding stars formed gigantic cloud towers of Milky-Way

Currents of gas are flowing upwards and downwards from the core of our Milky Way galaxy plane, and were now detected and analyzed by astronomers from Australia, the USA, Italy and The Netherlands, who published their findings in the journal Nature today.

Space hedgehogs
Jan 02, 2013 07:13 PM EST

Space exploration drones could roam the solar-system's celestial bodies

As a way to explore the surface of low gravity celestial objects like asteroids or concretely the small Martian moon Phobos, Stanford researchers in collaboration with NASA JPL have designed an autonomous robotic platform that involves a mother spacecraft deploying one or several spiked, roughly sph...

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