
Obesity and Overeating During Menopause Promote Breast Tumor Growth and Progression
Dec 08, 2012 03:28 AM EST

Obesity and Overeating During Menopause Promote Breast Tumor Growth and Progression

A new study has found a way for obese women to curb the increased risk of postmenopausal breast cancer.

Day Time Nap Enhances Memory in Preschool Children
Dec 08, 2012 02:05 AM EST

Sleep Disorders and Behavioral Problems in Children

Common sleep disorders faced by children are sleep apnea, snoring and nightmares. Researchers say that doctors and parents should take these sleep disturbances seriously as they can lead to medical and behavioral problems later on .According to the Delta Sleep Lab, over 2 million children suffer fro...

Scientist Create Coconut-Flavored Pineapple by Accident, Great for Pina Coladas
Dec 07, 2012 05:20 PM EST

Scientist Create Coconut-Flavored Pineapple by Accident, Great for Pina Coladas

Australian researchers have managed to create a new pineapple that doesn't doesn't take like an ordinary pineapple, but rather like a coconut, the ABC News reports.

U.N. Secretary General Ban talks during the opening ceremony of the plenary session of the high-level segment of COP18 of UNFCCC in Doha
Dec 07, 2012 03:22 PM EST

UN Climate Talks at Deadlock over Aid to Developing Nations Affected by Global Warming

UN envoys moved closer towards a deal at United Nations global-warming talks in Doha to settle differences on climate aid and fossil-fuel emissions, however, they are at a standstill on how to help vulnerable nations, according to reports.

European Catfish or ‘Freshwater Killer Whales’ Caught Hunting Pigeons Near Shore
Dec 07, 2012 01:59 PM EST

European Catfish or ‘Freshwater Killer Whales’ Caught Hunting Pigeons Near Shore [VIDEO]

European Catfish or "freshwater killer whales" have been spotted in south-west France as the leaped from a river to gobble up the unsuspecting pigeons and it was caught on video, according to reports.

Arctic Sea Ice
Dec 07, 2012 01:56 PM EST

Arctic Sea Ice Melt Equivalent to Size of U.S., Scientists Concerned [VIDEO]

An area of the Arctic sea ice the size of the U.S, melted at record levels this year, while summer snow melted in the region at its fastest pace yet, according to a new report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA).

Automation System Where Machines and Robots Make Their Own Decisions is Created
Dec 06, 2012 03:41 AM EST

Automation System Where Machines and Robots Make Their Own Decisions

A new automation system has been designed by the researchers at the University West in Sweden. With this automation system, robots and machines can make their own decisions and adapt to external circumstances.

Dec 06, 2012 03:31 AM EST

Can Rice Bran Prevent Occurrence of Cancer?

The latest clinical trial test conducted at the University of Colorado Cancer Center show how rice bran offers promising cancer prevention properties. Simultaneously, the ongoing clinical trial is testing the effectiveness of rice bran in preventing the recurrence of colon cancer.

Infant Solar System Observed by Astronomers
Dec 06, 2012 03:16 AM EST

Infant Solar System Observed by Astronomers

A nascent solar system has been detected by astronomers. They noticed an infant star surrounded by a swirling disk of dust and gas that is more than 450 light years from Earth in the constellation Taurus. Consisting of about one fifth of the mass of the Sun, the star mostly draws the materials from...

Dec 05, 2012 06:52 AM EST

NASA Announces the Launch of New Mars Rover in 2020

NASA has made an announcement stating its plans for a robust multi-year Mars program, including a new robotic science rover set to launch in 2020.

Dec 05, 2012 06:47 AM EST

Cancer Fighting Power Seen in Fungus

Researchers at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, have made an interesting discovery; they found that nanoparticles produced by a fungus named Arthrobotrys Oligospora have some cancer fighting power.

Feeling Defeated Linked to High Risk of Depression of Anxiety
Dec 05, 2012 04:51 AM EST

Media Multitasking Causes Depression and Anxiety

The overall use of media among the American youth has increased 20 percent in the past decade. Focusing on the aspect of multiple media use, latest research suggests that using diverse forms of media simultaneously causes anxiety and depression.

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