
Study Links Eating Disorders to Miscarriages
Nov 15, 2012 03:52 AM EST

Moderate Drinking During Pregnancy is Not Safe, Affects Child's IQ

Consumption of alcohol during pregnancy has always been a topic of debate. There were studies supporting moderate drinking as safe while some studies suggest a complete abstinence.

Nov 15, 2012 02:54 AM EST

What Makes Humans Unique is Answered by a Gene

The human and ape ancestry has often been a topic of discussion. There are a lot of genetic similarities shared by the two species. But there are some grey areas and unknowns.

Is the Giant Panda Spanish?
Nov 15, 2012 02:51 AM EST

China May Lose Panda Patent, Spain has Oldest Panda Fossils

Are the giant pandas Chinese or Spanish? Until recently, the Ailuropodinae remains found in China, a group that includes extant and extinct forms of giant panda, were considered to be the oldest fossils.

Religious Music Linked With Mental Health Benefits Among Seniors
Nov 15, 2012 02:22 AM EST

Gene Triples Risk of Alzheimer's

A recent study has identified a gene that has the capacity to triple the risk of Alzheimer's disease. An international team of researchers discovered this potent genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's.

Study Depicts the Presence of Boredom in Captive Animals
Nov 15, 2012 12:11 AM EST

Study Depicts the Presence of Boredom in Captive Animals

Ever wondered if your caged pets back home get bored when you leave them alone? It is extremely challenging to determine this.

Sun Emit a Mid-Level Flare
Nov 14, 2012 02:36 PM EST

Sun Emits a Mid-Level Flare

NASA spotted a mid level solar flare being emitted by the Sun on Nov 13 at 9.04 P.M EST. This flare was classified as an M6 flare.

Nov 14, 2012 02:34 PM EST

Reflexology Can Ease Cancer Symptoms

Reflexology is a type of foot massage that is being practiced since ages. Recently it has gained popularity the world over for its role as a complementary and preventive therapy in life threatening diseases.

Nov 14, 2012 03:26 AM EST

Arsenic found In Bonad Paintings

One of the naturally occurring substances is arsenic that occurs in several forms and most often in compounds with other chemical elements. It is known to be extremely poisonous and has numerous industrial applications. Recently, this toxic substance was found in the traditional Swedish bonad painti...

Reserve Fish Easy Targets for Fishers, Suggests Study
Nov 14, 2012 02:02 AM EST

Reserve Fish Easy Targets for Fishers, Suggests Study

The latest research by an Australian team working in the Philippines into the effects of marine reserves states that big fish residing in the marine reserves are not capable of protecting themselves from fishers armed with spear guns waiting outside the reserve.

The latest research by an Australian team working in the Philippines into the effects of marine reserves state that big fish residing in the marine reserves are not capable of protecting themselves fr
Nov 14, 2012 01:16 AM EST

Low-Level Radioactivity Is Damaging: Study

Similarly we all are exposed to some kind of radiation that occurs naturally in soil and rocks. How dangerous even low level radioactivity can be is being studied by the researchers from the Universities of South Carolina and Paris-Sud.

Nov 13, 2012 07:00 AM EST

Babies Mimic Strange Behavior When Accompanied by Language

The new study that focuses on the power of language in infant’s ability to understand the intentions of others state that Infants were more likely to imitate behavior, however unconventional, if it had been named, than if it remained unnamed.

Great Barrier Reef
Nov 13, 2012 12:54 AM EST

Polluted Water Caused Coral Death in Great Barrier Reef

Marine Biologists say that corrupted water running off from the farmlands off Queensland coast is the reason for the Great Barrier Reef to diminish in size.

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