
Curiosity Rover
Nov 22, 2012 05:27 AM EST

Curiosity Prepares For Thanksgiving Activities

NASA's Mars rover curiosity traveled to Thanksgiving overlook location after it completed weeks in soil scooping activities at one location.

Babies Anticipate Touch While in Womb: Study
Nov 22, 2012 04:44 AM EST

Fetuses Yawn in the Womb, Say Researchers

With the help of 4D scans the researchers at the Durham and Lancaster Universities revealed that fetuses yawn.

Study Shed Light on the How Brain and Inner Ear Developed in Dinosaurs
Nov 22, 2012 04:29 AM EST

Evolution of Bird Flight Linked to Dinosaurs

One of the most mystifying and controversial feature in vertebrates is the evolution of flight. Though this facet evolved some million years ago, understanding the mechanism of this was indeed challenging.

Mites Protect Valencian Orange Exports
Nov 22, 2012 03:52 AM EST

Mites Protect Valencian Oranges From Bugs

One of the most popular variety of citrus grown in the theValencia orange tree that is botanically known as Citrus sinensis. A new study has found out that soil-dwelling predatory mites are a perfect partner to address the plague of thrips in citrus caused by Pezothrips kellyanus, a tiny inse...

Stone Tools
Nov 22, 2012 02:18 AM EST

Trust The Prime Reason For Crafting Tools During Old Stone Age

A new study detects the prime reason behind crafting of hand axes by the Homo erectus/ergaster during the Lower Palaeolithic period.

Up to 10 Percent Children Affected by Specific Learning Disabilities
Nov 22, 2012 12:50 AM EST

Study Unlocks Secrets of Autism

An essential link has been recognized between protein synthesis and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by researchers from the McGill University and the University of Montreal. The researchers believe this discovery can support new therapeutic opportunities.

Richard Buggs collecting a dwarf birch sample.
Nov 21, 2012 06:35 AM EST

Genetic Code of a Birch Tree Sequenced For First Time

For the first time the genetic code of a birch tree has been sequenced by the researchers at the Queen Mary, university of London.

Seals Adopt Flexible Parenting Style
Nov 21, 2012 05:31 AM EST

Seals Adopt Flexible Parenting Style

Grey seals mothers adopt a very flexible parenting technique that gives their pups a real advantage.

Planck Discovers Hot Gas Bridges Galaxy Cluster Pair
Nov 21, 2012 05:19 AM EST

Planck Spots Hot Gas Bridge Linking Galaxy Cluster Pair

A bridge of hot gas linking a pair of galaxy cluster across 10 million years of intergalactic space has been detected by ESA's Planck space telescope.

Chimp's Intelligence is Determined by its Genes
Nov 21, 2012 02:27 AM EST

Chimpanzees and Bonobos Reveal Clues to Reciprocity in Humans

Using chimapanzees and bonobos as models, researchers from the University of California, Santa Barbara, are studying the nature of reciprocity in humans.

Venus Flytrap
Nov 21, 2012 01:58 AM EST

Study Looks Into Mechanism of Venus Flytrap's Botanical Bite

This study is being conducted by a team of French physicists from the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Aix-Marseille University in Marseille, France. The team is working to understand this movement and get more insight into this unique mechanism.

Novel Nerve Repair Technique 'Nerve Allograft' Offers Better Results
Nov 20, 2012 11:31 PM EST

Sweat Glands Help in Healing Wounds in Humans

Sweat Glands present in the deep layer of skin not only control body temperature but seem to play a vital role in health.

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