
Nov 13, 2012 12:53 AM EST

Indian Monsoons May Fall 40-70 percent Due to Global Warming

Raising temperature and global warming could cause a failure in the Indian Monsoons which could dent the Indian economy for the next 200 years, suggests a new study.

Nov 13, 2012 12:53 AM EST

Crocs and Alligators Have Sensitive Jaws

Crocodiles and alligators are known for their big and massive killer jaws that can chew up anything that comes their way. It is now believed that their jaws are as sensitive as they are deadly.

Rise in Sea Level
Nov 12, 2012 11:33 AM EST

Climate Change Caused Increased Melting of Sea Ice in Antarctica

Climate change and its consequences on Arctic have often been discussed on the other hand the reports on climate change in Antarctic have never been apt. There has been contrasting climate change observed across the Antarctic in recent decades.

No Excuses, Helmets Do Save Life of Skiers and Snowboarders
Nov 12, 2012 04:04 AM EST

No Excuses, Helmets Do Save Life of Skiers and Snowboarders

Reinforcing the advocacy groups and the authorities all over the world, a new study by the Johns Hopkins-led research suggests that the use of helmets by skiers and snowboarders decreases the risk and severity of head injuries and saves lives.

Australia's Radio Telescope to find 700,000 New Galaxies
Nov 12, 2012 03:27 AM EST

Australia's Radio Telescope to find 700,000 New Galaxies

Scientists hope to discover 700,000 new galaxies with the help of Australia's newest radio telescope, CSIRO's Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP).

Social Isolation Disrupts Myelin Production
Nov 12, 2012 03:16 AM EST

Social Isolation Disrupts Myelin Production

Social isolation is a common malady in early adulthood and can become chronic.

Giant Pandas Threatened by Climate Change
Nov 12, 2012 01:29 AM EST

Giant Pandas Threatened by Climate Change

The rarest member of the bear family, the panda's habitat is at the geographic and economic heart of China. The Pandas, already facing a decreasing forest cover, are now threatened by climate change which is affecting their staple food, bamboo.

Nov 12, 2012 01:24 AM EST

Offshore Renewable Energy Developments to Affect Gannets

A recent study has found that the gannet's population can be adversely affected by the renewable energy developments in the English Channel.

Nov 12, 2012 01:24 AM EST

Future Math Performance Depends on Preschool Counting Abilities

According to the research from the University of Missouri, reciting numbers is not enough to prepare children for math success in elementary school. Rather counting, which requires assigning numerical values to objects in chronological order, is more important for helping preschoolers acquire math ...

Ancient Maya civilization
Nov 10, 2012 03:57 AM EST

Extreme Weather Responsible for the Fall of Ancient Maya civilization

The occurrence of extreme climate change is not just confined to the present era. Life on Earth has survived large cliamte change in the past. There seem to be scientific evidence to support this.

Scientists Discover New Way of Making Glass
Nov 10, 2012 03:10 AM EST

Scientists Discover New Way of Making Glass

A team of researchers from the Universities of Dusseldorf and Bristol have come up with an innovative technique of making glass.

New Crew Aboard Soyuz Capsule Launches to Space Station Along With Olympic Torch
Nov 10, 2012 02:30 AM EST

Radiation Belt Mission Renamed For Honor James Van Allen: NASA

NASA's Radiation Belt Storm Probes mission that was launched in August for exploring the harsh radiation belts around the Earth has been renamed as the Van Allen Probes in honor of the late James Van Allen.

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