
Nov 05, 2012 02:54 AM EST

Scientists Track the Event of Comet Hergenrother Splitting Apart

Comet Hergenrother has begun to split apart according to scientists. Astronomers and immature sky -watchers following the comet's trajectory through the sky since early October observed that it is currently navigating the inner solar system and spewing cometary dust material. It appears that the com...

Nov 04, 2012 01:52 PM EST

Citters Tend To Grow Bigger In Size

The cope rule suggests that small citters grow into bigger beasts. The cope rule that was suggested by Edward Cope a paleontologist is proved right by a new test that was conducted using advanced statistical modeling methods.

Nov 04, 2012 01:49 PM EST

Geologists In Search of Magnetic Field Stumble on Eastern Europe's Largest Meteorite

Geologists in Poland have unearthed the largest meteorite found to date in Eastern Europe.

NASA's Response to Dexter,7, Who Expressed His Wish to Go To Mars Has Become an Internet Sensation
Nov 03, 2012 01:28 PM EDT

NASA Maps How Nutrients Affect Plant Productivity

Nutrients are known to be essential for plant growth. Plants will grow normally until they run short of one nutrient. Then growth is limited by the availability of that nutrient. If the nutrients are deficient, or too abundant, then plants will be discolored or deformed.

Nov 03, 2012 01:23 PM EDT

Study: Self-Harm Not Always a Sign of Serious Mental Health Problems

One of the common ways of expressing deep emotional feelings is self harm. In situations of low self esteem or dealing with traumatic events of life one intentionally damages or injures their body. It is a is an expression of personal distress, rather than an illness.

Nov 03, 2012 04:22 AM EDT

Less Expensive and Adventurous Way to Tackle Calamities Like Sandy

It would be futile to depend on expensive seawalls which provide nothing but a false sense of security in efforts to control nature. Rather, less expensive warning systems and improved evacuation procedures to save lives seems to be the better strategy.

Nov 03, 2012 03:37 AM EDT

Future Health Depends on How You React to Stress Today

When you are overloaded with troubles and worries you tend to use the word 'stress'. But it is unclear what causes stress. What is clear is that stress levels can trigger emotional and physical health problems. Hence, don't let stress hijack your life.

Brain Imaging
Nov 03, 2012 03:33 AM EDT

Brain Imaging Not Sufficient to Diagnose Autism

Recent studies indicate that one in 88 children in the U.S. suffers from Autism Spectrum Disorder. The prevalence of ASD has increased 78 percent in the last decade, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Autism is a complex neurodevelopment disorder that manifests in early childhood and is c...

 Closing the Gap Between Growth and Consumption of Edible Stuff
Nov 02, 2012 04:34 AM EDT

Closing the Gap Between Growth and Consumption of Edible Stuff

The process of ripening holds key to prosperity of farmers and benefits the consumer. A new discovery shows that chloroplasts are affected by the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS).

Nov 02, 2012 04:32 AM EDT

Physical Activity Cuts Dementia Risk in Older People

Older people can reduce their chances of being a victim to dementia by indulging into regular physical activity. This link between regular physical exercise and reduced risk of dementia was established by the researcher at the University of Lisbon, Santa Maria Hospital in Portugal.

Giant Eucalyptus Fire
Nov 02, 2012 04:09 AM EDT

Giant Eucalyptus Displays a Unique Dependency on Fire For Regeneration

One of the frequently occurring climatic disasters during the summers in Australia are the 'wildfires' or 'bushfires' that ravage massive chunks of land every year. But what is surprising is that certain native plants display a unique dependency on such wildfires for regeneration.

Scientists Attempt to Alter Destiny of Cell
Nov 02, 2012 04:05 AM EDT

Scientists Attempt to Alter Destiny of Cell

Scientists at the University of California- Santa Barbara, have found a new way to make cells behave different and change the course of their destiny. With this discovery they will be producing tissues and organs in the laboratory that could be used to replace injured, diseased or aged organs.

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