
Autonomous Flying Robots Soar to New Tech Heights
Oct 31, 2012 04:57 AM EDT

Autonomous Flying Robots Can Avoid Obstacles

An autonomous flying robot has been devised by the researchers at Cornell University. What makes this flying robot unique is that is can function as smart as a bird when it comes to maneuvering around obstacles.

Oct 30, 2012 06:30 AM EDT

Egyptology: Not Only About Mummy Unwrappings

The spectacle of Mummy unwrapping in public, performed by both scientists and showmen, has led to a heightened interest and fascination about the growing science of Egyptology, according to a Missouri University of Science and Technology historian.

Honeybee Guts Carry Antibiotic Resistance Genes
Oct 30, 2012 06:08 AM EDT

Honeybee Guts Carry Antibiotic Resistance Genes

Honeybees are prone to a bacterial disease "foulbrood". It has been the scourge of beekeepers in the U.S. who have fought the infection, known to wipe out hives in a jiffy, with regular preventive applications of the antibiotic, oxytetracycline.Oxytetracycline is a compound that closely resembles t...

Robots Can Save Energy with Hopping
Oct 30, 2012 05:53 AM EDT

Robots Can Save Energy with Hopping

In research that could extend the range of future rescue and exploration robots, scientists have found that hopping robots could significantly reduce the amount of energy they use by adopting a unique two-part "stutter jump."

The Hybrid Storm and it Imaging
Oct 30, 2012 05:48 AM EDT

Dissecting Sandy and Imaging the Hybrid Storm

Atlantic tropical storms mostly tear through the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, and lose energy as they pass over the U.S mainland. However, Hurricane Sandy crept along the Eastern Seaboard, where waters that were warmer than usual for this time of year and that kept the storm alive and kicking. ...

Study Uncovers Facts About Evolution Of Eye
Oct 30, 2012 05:41 AM EDT

Study Uncovers Facts About Evolution Of Eye

Eyes are exquisitely complicated organs. Eyes play the role of a camera that focuses on light and coverts it into an electrical signal that the brain translates into images. But in this, the key to vision is the light sensitive protein known as Opsins.

Most Adults with Dyslexia Were Physically Abused During Childhood
Oct 30, 2012 05:38 AM EDT

School Bullies and Their Victims Turn to Alcohol

Is your child worried about going back to school? Are they being threatened, or are victims of any sort of violence? Bullying is nothing to take lightly. Obese, gay or just unique amongst the lot are the reasons for bullying.

South Pacific Islands to Have Dry Summers and More Rainfall
Oct 29, 2012 01:54 PM EDT

South Pacific Islands to Have Dry Summers and More Rainfall

The South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ) is the main source of rainfall for South Pacific island nations. An alteration in this rainfall band would pose severe consequences for the vulnerable island nations already having to adapt to accelerating sea level rise. Yet, very little is known about how ...

Oct 29, 2012 01:52 PM EDT

Research Provides New Insights Into Dogs' Natural Feeding Behavior

An international team of researchers has shed light in the natural feeding behaviour of domestic dogs and demonstrated how they naturally seek a daily dietary intake that is high in fat.

Oct 29, 2012 05:20 AM EDT

Dragon Returns with Space Station Cargo, Adds X Factor to Private Mission

The unmanned SpaceX capsule made its blazing re-entry into the Earth and splashed down in the Pacific Ocean after successfully completing its first contracted cargo delivery flight contracted by NASA to resupply the International Space Station.

High Cholesterol Release Switch Discovered
Oct 29, 2012 05:19 AM EDT

High Cholesterol Release Switch Discovered

High blood cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. It can lead to a build-up of plaque in the artery walls and narrowing of the arteries, causing a condition called atherosclerosis which can make it more difficult for blood to flow through the heart and body.

Oct 29, 2012 05:15 AM EDT

Drop in Testosterone Linked To Prostrate Cancer Recurrence

One of common cause of death from cancer in men over age 75 is prostate cancer. Rarely found in men younger than 40, this prostate cancer is less common in people who do not eat meat.

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