
Cutting Belly fat Improves Sleep Quality
Nov 07, 2012 12:19 AM EST

Cutting Belly fat Improves Sleep Quality

Good sleep means good physical and mental health. Chronic sleep disruption leads to cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure and is a sign of obesity.

High Level of Sexual Harassment in Men Linked to Purging: Study
Nov 06, 2012 11:41 PM EST

Heart Feels Old on Aging: Study

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, have zeroed in on four signs of aging which can predict the risk of heart disease. People with a receding hairline at the temples, baldness at the head's crown, earlobe creases or yellow fatty deposits around the eyelids are 57 times more prone...

Study Links Lower Education Levels to Unhealthy Diet
Nov 06, 2012 06:13 PM EST

Fast Food Consumption Leads to Excess of Soda and Calorie Intake in Kids

A latest study states that when children and adolescents opt for fast food or full service restaurants instead of their daily meals at home, they unknowingly consume excess of calories and soda leading to a poor nutrient intake.

Carbon Buried in Soil by Erosion Will Be Re-Released into Atmosphere: Study
Nov 06, 2012 06:13 PM EST

Carbon Buried in Soil by Erosion Will Be Re-Released into Atmosphere

A new source of carbon emission has been identified by a research team from the University of California, Davis. It is assumed that this source could play better role in understanding past and future global change.

Nov 06, 2012 06:13 PM EST

Genetically Engineered Tomatoes Decrease Plaque

Through a study on rates, the researchers have first time have displayed how genetically engineered tomato plants produced a peptide that mimics the actions of good cholesterol when eaten.

Nov 06, 2012 04:19 AM EST

Miniature Laser Operates at Room Temperature

A team of researchers at the Northwestern University has found a way to manufacture miniature single-laser devices that are the size of a virus particle and more importantly, can function at room temperature.

Spade-Toothed Rarest Whale Spotted for First Time in New Zealand
Nov 06, 2012 04:17 AM EST

Spade-Toothed Rarest Whale Spotted for First Time in New Zealand

The world's rarest whale species, the spade-toothed whale, has been spotted for the first time in New Zealand seas.

Amazing Tool Making Skill Displayed by Cockatoo
Nov 06, 2012 04:14 AM EST

Amazing Tool Making Skill Displayed by Cockatoo

A Goffin's cockatoo called 'Figaro' that has been reared in captivity in Vienna was observed making and using tools to forage for food.

Low Cholesterol Elevates Mortality Risk in Patients with Kidney Cancer
Nov 05, 2012 03:57 AM EST

Unapproved Drug Therapy to Cure Inherited Form of Kidney Disease

The researchers from Mayo clinic have come up with a novel drug therapy that helps in treating inherited form of kidney disease known as autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD).

NASA's Response to Dexter,7, Who Expressed His Wish to Go To Mars Has Become an Internet Sensation
Nov 05, 2012 03:40 AM EST

NASA Will Send Alerts to Spot Space Station

A new service was proposed by NASA in order to mark the 12th anniversary of crews living and working abroad the International Space Station. The service helps people observe the orbiting laboratory when it passes overhead.

Family Dinners Lower the Effect of Cyberbullying in Adolescents
Nov 05, 2012 03:35 AM EST

Cyberbullying in Workplace Getting Common and Severe

As we stay in virtual world more and more and interact with countless people, cyberbullying is turning out to be a common problem. It is more worrisome in the workplace as employees, use texts, emails or web postings to attack and abuse their colleagues. It is common as conventional bullying.

Nov 05, 2012 02:55 AM EST

Energy From a Beating Heart to Power a Pacemaker: Study

A team of U.S. researchers have come up with a new device that harnesses energy from a beating heart to keep a pacemaker running. This new finding will help patients to power their pacemakers and do away with the need to replace batteries every few years.

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