
Scientists Track Post Sandy Sewage
Nov 10, 2012 02:05 AM EST

Scientists Track Post Sandy Sewage

One of the worst storms to strike New Jersey in modern history, superstorm Sandy went about slamming the tri-state swallowing up livelihood and displacing thousands from their homes. The extreme carnage has crippled every corner of New Jersey.

Protein Rich Breakfast Curbs Appetite throughout the Morning
Nov 10, 2012 01:59 AM EST

Children Tend To Outgrow Egg Allergies Say Researchers

Each year millions of American suffer from allergic reactions to food and there is no cure for such food allergies. One such allergy is the egg allergy that is more common in young children than adults.

Nov 09, 2012 06:39 AM EST

Fairy-Wren Babies Need to Call Password for Food

Fairy-wren babies need to utter a password if they have to be fed by their mother, a new study reveals.

Study Reveals Cohabitation of Saber-Toothed Cats and Bear Dogs
Nov 09, 2012 12:32 AM EST

Study Reveals Cohabitation of Saber-Toothed Cats and Bear Dogs

A team of paleontologists have analyzed the fossilized fangs of saber-toothed cats and a bear dog to determine how these extinct mammals shared habitat and food with other large predators some 9 million years ago.

Nov 09, 2012 12:31 AM EST

Sugar Water Gargle Boost Self Control

In order to boost your self control all you need is a mouth rinse with glucose.

Size Never Affected the Giant Pterosaur Flights
Nov 08, 2012 03:49 AM EST

Size Never Affected the Giant Pterosaur Flights

The secrets and intricate details of the flight for the massive pterosaur were produced by Chatterjee and his colleagues with the help of computer simulation. They focused of the giant pterosaur that was discovered in the Big Bend area of Texas.

Team Curiosity Switch to Earth Time
Nov 08, 2012 02:23 AM EST

Team Curiosity Switch to Earth Time

The team that has been working on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity for the past three months has announced that they will be switching back to working on Earth time.

Habitat Affects Escape Behavior of Birds
Nov 08, 2012 12:23 AM EST

Habitat Affects Escape Behavior of Birds

It seems birds of the same species raised in diverse settings behave differently in the face of a threat. Birds raised in an urban environment react differently than country-bred birds when faced with a predator.

Links Found Between Native Americans and Northern Europeans
Nov 07, 2012 03:48 AM EST

Study: Human, Chimps Share Similar DNA But Different Gene Regulatory Mechanism

The researchers at the University of Chicago have provided a scientific understanding of the uniqueness of humans. They say that humans and their primate cousin have nearly 90 percent of the similar DNA. But their expression or activity patterns of genes differ across species in ways that help expla...

Nov 07, 2012 03:44 AM EST

Hurricane Sandy to Have Emotional Impact on Children and Teens

According to the new study, the children who experienced Hurricane Sandy's destruction particularly those whose families suffered significant losses will exhibit symptoms such as withdrawal, depression, sleeplessness and unusually aggressive behavior that are commonly associated with post-traumati...

Aquatic Animals Shrink in Warmer Temperature
Nov 07, 2012 03:11 AM EST

Aquatic Animals Shrink in Warmer Temperature

Focusing on the warmer temperatures, the scientists from Queen Mary, University of London and the University of Liverpool suggest that, warmer temperatures have greater effect on the aquatic life than the land dwellers.

Scientists Calculate Rate of New Star Formation and Decline
Nov 07, 2012 01:52 AM EST

Scientists Calculate Rate of New Star Formation and Decline

For the first time, a team of international researchers has established the rate of formation of new stars in the Universe. The group found that the rate of formation of new stars in the Universe is now only 1/30th of its peak and that this decline will continue.

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