
Galaxy pattern
Oct 21, 2012 03:28 PM EDT

Astronomers Reveal Pattern of Change in Evolution of Galaxies

A detailed study on the galaxies observed by the Keck telescopes in Hawaii and NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has given insights into the evolution of galaxies.

Oct 21, 2012 09:57 AM EDT

Study Reveals Strong Links Between Death of Child and Mortality of Mother

A latest research uncovers the strong connection between the death of a child and the mortality of the mother regardless of cause of death, gender of the child, marital status, family size, and income or education level of the mother.

Oct 21, 2012 05:31 AM EDT

Donated Human Stool Treats C.difficile Infection

The researchers from Henry Ford Hospital have come up with a novel therapy to treat this deadly and contagious infection. They used donated human stool to treat C.difficile infection and found that this method was safe was highly effective.

Cell Research Provides Information That May be Used to Engineer Organs
Oct 21, 2012 04:05 AM EDT

Bacteria Provides Clues to Engineering of Organs

A new research sheds light on the mechanics of cell, tissue and organ formation. It reveals basic mechanism about how a group of bacterial cells can form large three dimensional structures.

Stranded Sea Otter Pup Taken Care at Alaska SeaLife Center
Oct 21, 2012 04:04 AM EDT

Stranded Sea Otter Pup Doing Well at Alaska SeaLife Center

A female baby otter was discovered stranded on a Kachemak Drive, Homer Spit at the tip of the Kenai Peninsula on Wednesday.

Solar Power Gives Ideal Environment and Energy to Study Elephants in Remote Area
Oct 20, 2012 04:31 AM EDT

Solar Power Gives Ideal Environment and Energy to Study Elephants in Remote Area

A rare opportunity was created by the researchers of the Stanford University to carefully observe, videotape and photograph wild elephants at the Mushara waterhole. A home to hundreds of wild animals such as rhinos, giraffes, hyenas and lions, Mushara waterhole is an isolated oasis in Etosha Nationa...

Vitamin A Curbs The Spread of Prostate Cancer
Oct 20, 2012 04:06 AM EDT

Plant Based Food Reduce Risk of Aggressive Prostate Cancer

A latest study highlights the importance and need for including fruits, vegetables, herbs and tea to our diet. Plant based diet is so much better for one's health. Leaning more toward plant-based foods often means the diet is lower in saturated fat and cholesterol.

Oct 20, 2012 03:57 AM EDT

Handshake Indeed Makes Difference in Interaction, Proves a Study

A hand shake is a very simple gesture, but definitely plays a crucial role in determining how others perceive you. It is vital for personal branding. A latest study provides an insight into just how important the practise is to the evaluations we make of subsequent social interactions.

Oct 19, 2012 11:32 PM EDT

Study Reveals Solar Power is Contagious

Did you know that solar power is contagious? The latest finding from the Yale and New York University comes as a surprise because they claim that people are more likely install a solar panel on their home if their neighbors have one.

Oct 19, 2012 05:19 AM EDT

Rat Twitching is Establishment of Connection Between Brain and Body

Involuntary movements are a vital contributor to the development of sensorimotor systems. This is the new finding that is being suggested by the researchers at The University of Lowa. The whiskers of newborn rats twitch as they sleep, and that could open the door to new understandings about the inti...

Martian Soil Undergoes Intense Scrutiny of Curiosity
Oct 19, 2012 05:16 AM EDT

Martian Soil Undergoes Intense Scrutiny of Curiosity

The Curiosity rover's Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin) instrument is all set to analyze what minerals are present in the solid sample that is being ingested inside the rover, a capability at the core of the two year mission.

Rising Sea Levels
Oct 19, 2012 05:15 AM EDT

Sea-Change Due to Global Warming

A recent interesting communication upgrade states that global warming may give Earth's oceans the same hi-fi sound qualities they had more than 100 million years ago, during the Age of Dinosaurs.

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