
Planets Orbiting White or Brown Dwarfs Are Poor Candidates for Life
Dec 03, 2012 04:19 AM EST

Planets Orbiting White or Brown Dwarfs Are Poor Candidates for Life

A new finding by a U.S. astronomer suggests that there is a very slim possibility of life on the extra solar planets, the white dwarf and the brown dwarf.

Study Ties Poor Sleep Quality to Increased Suicide Risk Among Older Adults
Dec 03, 2012 02:49 AM EST

Extended Sleep Increases Daytime Alertness and Reduces Pain Sensitivity

According to a new American study, extended night sleep in mildly sleeping healthy adults increases their daytime alertness and also reduces pain sensitivity.

Dec 03, 2012 12:14 AM EST

Blind Cave Fish With no Scales Discovered in Vietnam

A new species of fish with no eyes and scales has been discovered on a tiny island in Vietnam's Ha Long Bay.

Dec 02, 2012 10:01 PM EST

Food Advertising Contributes to Obesity in Children

Obesity has been labelled as one of the most serious and growing public health issue. Nearly six percent of the global population is in United States but hosts a third of worlds obese. The statistics of the U.S obesity have been gradually inclining towards to the higher end. The CDC (Centers for D...

Dec 01, 2012 05:36 AM EST

Excess North Atlantic Tropical Storms Likely in the Future

A study by the University of Iowa predicts that tropical storms in the North Atlantic will become more intense in the future.

Overuse of Alcohol Produce Lasting Changes in The Brain: Study
Dec 01, 2012 04:04 AM EST

Excess alcohol can have lasting effects on brain: Research

Using fly larvae as models, a new study reveals how overuse of alcohol can cause lasting changes in the brain even after alcohol abuse stops.

Links Found Between Native Americans and Northern Europeans
Dec 01, 2012 02:58 AM EST

Links Found Between Native Americans and Northern Europeans

Based on genetic analyses, a new study conducted by a team of scientists has provided useful data in understanding of both Native American and Northern European ancestry.

Mixing Oil With Dispersant Increased Toxicity to Ecosystems
Dec 01, 2012 02:46 AM EST

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Clean Up Toxic to Marine Life

Mixing dispersants with oil leads to nearly a 52-fold increase in toxicity over the oil alone, according to a study

Study Reveals Technique That Measures Lobster's Age
Dec 01, 2012 01:26 AM EST

Study Reveals Technique to Measure Lobster's Age

Scientists from the University of New Brunswick say a lobster's age can be determined by counting its rings just like in trees.Lobsters belong to an extremely diverse group of marine invertebrates. They have a reputation for being scavengers and even cannibals. They are capable of living up to over ...

Ice Water Discovered on Mercury: NASA
Nov 30, 2012 06:45 AM EST

Ice Water Discovered on Mercury: NASA

The prediction that the hottest planet Mercury might have traces of water ice and frozen material has been confirmed after NASA made an announcement on Thursday.

Whirligig Beetles Inspire Energy-Efficient Robots
Nov 30, 2012 05:44 AM EST

Whirligig Beetles Inspire Energy-Efficient Robots

The whirligig beetles that play the role of scavengers by keeping the surface of the waterways clean have inspired researchers from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, to develop an energy-efficient propulsion mechanism for swimming vehicles and robots.

 Body Language Provides Better Cue to Judge A Person
Nov 30, 2012 04:53 AM EST

Body Language Provides Better Cue to Judge A Person

A recent study contradicts the age old protocol stating that compared to facial expressions, body language provides better cue in trying to judge whether an observed subject has undergone good or bad experience.

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