
Nov 30, 2012 03:04 AM EST

Key Components of the Genetic Code of Wheat Decoded

The genetic code of one of the world's most important crops has been decoded by a team of scientists. The first analysis of the complex and large bread wheat genome is one of the major breakthroughs in breeding wheat varieties that are more productive and disease resistant.

Rigid Fearfulness is Linked to The Severity of Autism
Nov 30, 2012 02:12 AM EST

Rigid Fearfulness is Linked to Severity of Autism

An important discovery has been made by the researchers at the Brigham University stating kids with autism find it difficult to let go of old, outdated fears.

Formula to Predict New Born's Chances Of Being Obese
Nov 30, 2012 12:25 AM EST

Formula to Predict New Born's Chances Of Being Obese

A team of researchers has developed a formula to predict a baby's chances of going obese later in life

Kerosene Lamps Major Source of Black Carbon
Nov 29, 2012 04:47 AM EST

Kerosene Lamps Major Source of Black Carbon

According to a new finding, kerosene lamps are producing black carbon at levels previously overlooked in greenhouse gas estimates.

Cassini Shows the Climatic Changes on Titan
Nov 29, 2012 04:20 AM EST

NASA's Cassini Shows Noticeable Climatic Changes on Titan

With the help of NASA's Cassini spacecraft, scientists have observed a noticeable climatic change in the southern hemisphere of Saturn's giant moon 'Titan'.

New Drug Offers Hope to  Insomniacs
Nov 29, 2012 04:03 AM EST

New Drug Offers Hope to Insomniacs

The new drug 'suvorexant' obstructs the chemical messengers in the brain known as orexins. These are neurotransmitters that regulate wakefulness, arousal and appetite.

Depressed Cancer Survivors More Likely To Die Prematurely: Study
Nov 29, 2012 03:05 AM EST

Scientists Discover Biomarker to Screen Teens with Anxiety , Depression

For those teens that are at a higher risk of developing depression and anxiety, a team of scientists has discovered a cognitive biomarker: a biological indicator of a disease.

Nov 29, 2012 01:36 AM EST

Human Activities Cause Threat to Elks: Study

Researchers at the University of Alberta (U & A) state that wolves are no more a major threat to elk, one of the largest species of deer, as human activity and encroachments have led to a greater disturbance in their environment.

Fish Ear Bones Provide Clues on Climate Imapct
Nov 29, 2012 12:22 AM EST

Fish Ear Bones Provide Clues about Climate Impact

Otoliths or fish ear bones consist of three pairs of small carbonate bodies found in the heads of bony fishes. Generally otoliths are used by the fishes for maintaining balance and sound detection. They not only function similar to the inner ear of mammals but also give a good and helpful insight in...

Nov 28, 2012 05:15 AM EST

New Sensor Developed to Detect Bombs On Sea Floor

A new sensor has been developed that detects undetonated explosives on the sea floor. It is based on a technology used to find mineral deposits underground.

Ocean Acidification Affects Life of Marine Creatures
Nov 28, 2012 05:02 AM EST

Ocean Acidification Dissolves Shells of Marine Animals

The rise in the acid level in our oceans is killing marine organisms that produce calcium carbonate shells, or use calcium carbonate in their skeletal structure.

Nov 28, 2012 03:25 AM EST

New Test to Help Heavy Drinkers Reduce Alcohol Intake

Long term alcohol abuse affect lives in a number of ways. It not only triggers various physical symptoms and heart diseases but also causes a wide range of immunological defects and mental health problems.

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