
Dec 17, 2012 02:58 AM EST

Carotenoids Reduce Hip Fracture Risk in Lean Men

Researchers from the National University of Singapore and the Singapore Ministry of Health noticed a strong association between carotenoids and their ability to lessen the risk of hip fractures in elderly men.

Health Check Necessary for Space Travel
Dec 15, 2012 07:11 AM EST

Space Travelers Need Medical Clearance

Clinicians will be asked to provide medical clearance for these people. For this purpose a team of experts from North America provided certain advice to the clinicians who required direction when advising patients on space travel.

Dec 14, 2012 04:30 PM EST

New Venomous Nocturnal Monkey Found in Borneo

Scientists studying the elusive nocturnal primate the slow loris in the jungles of Borneo near Indonesia have recently discovered an entirely new species -- the Kayan loris.

Cloud Forest Trees Use Leaves To Consume Water
Dec 14, 2012 08:27 AM EST

Cloud Forest Trees Use Leaves To Consume Water

Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, have discovered that tropical montane cloud forest trees just don't rely on their roots to take up water but they also depend on their leaves to consume water from the clouds directly.

Bacteria Present in Food Causes Abortions, Study Finds
Dec 13, 2012 03:39 AM EST

Evidence of Cheese Making Dates Back 7500 Years

If you think cheese was invented in modern times then you would be wrong. Prehistoric man living in Northern Europe was already making cheese more than 7,000 years ago, according to a study.

Use Mobile App and Shed 15 Pounds Weight
Dec 12, 2012 01:59 AM EST

Use Mobile App and Shed 15 Pounds Weight

Mobile apps that track diets and activities of people help them shed 15 pounds in weight on an average, according to researchers from Northwestern Medicine

Dec 11, 2012 06:24 PM EST

Alan Alda Searches for Best 'What is Time?' Answer for a Sixth Grader

Professor Alan Alda, which we all may know him a bit better as Capt. Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce on the TV show "MASH", is posing a question for scientists to explain in sixth-grader terms, "What is time?"

Dec 11, 2012 04:52 PM EST

Stephen Hawking Wins Huge $3 Million Physics Prize

Stephen Hawking has won the most lucrative cash prize, $3 million by the Fundamental Physics Prize for his discovery that black holes emit radiation, and his 'deep contributions' to quantum gravity and quantum aspects of the early universe.

Bad Luck and Perfect Storm Timings Wiped Out Dinosaurs, Study Reveals
Dec 11, 2012 02:35 AM EST

Extinct Lizard ‘Obamadon’ Latest Creature to be Named after President Obama

After fish and lichen, it is an extinct lizard that has been named after the recently re-elected President Obama. With the fish being named Ethiostoma Obama and the lichen Caloplaca obamae, the small insect-eating lizard is being called Obamadon.

Bone Marrow
Dec 10, 2012 05:00 AM EST

New Drug Reduces Risk of Deadly Side Effects of Bone Marrow Transplant

There are chances of serious and deadly side effects cropping up with bone marrow transplant. To treat these side effects researchers have come up with a new class of drugs.

Progress in research of the brain
Dec 10, 2012 03:12 AM EST

Study Reveals How the Brain Assesses Confidence In Its Decisions

For the first time is been discovered how the brain assesses confidence in its decision. This has new finding been produced by the Wellcome Trust researchers. They have clearly explained why some people have better insight into their choices than others.

Dec 10, 2012 12:03 AM EST

X-ray Detectors in Space First To Witness New Supernovae

The X-ray detectors present in the space could be the first ones to witness the new supernovae that signal the death of massive stars.

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