
Seaweeds Set to Bring Sea of Change in Food Chain as Important Source of Protein
Oct 13, 2012 10:20 AM EDT

Seaweeds Set to Bring Sea of Change in Food Chain as Important Source of Protein

The seaweed is an important nutritious food item. It is used in the preparation of many dishes. The Japanese consume seven different types of seaweed. Now, the researchers at Teagasc are working toward finding proteins with health benefits in seaweed that can be used as functional foods.

Trigger for Volcanic Eruption Uncovered
Oct 13, 2012 10:17 AM EDT

Trigger for Volcanic Eruption Uncovered

Now, the scientists have found a repeating trigger for the largest explosive volcanic eruption on Earth. This was done by the scientists from the University of Southampton.

One in Five U.S. Men Report Violence Toward Intimate Partner
Oct 13, 2012 10:14 AM EDT

Sleeping Over a Problem Helps in Resolving It

Thrashed with numerous problems in life? Then you might be curious to know whether sleep or time spent awake works best in helping people find the solutions to an array of problem solving tasks?

Oct 13, 2012 04:11 AM EDT

Expectant Parents React Differently to Stress and Conflict

According to a new study, expectant parents respond differently to arguments. This response depends on the ongoing individuals or relationship difficulties such as anxiety or chronic relationship conflict. The research was necessary as stress affects pregnant women and the unborn child.

Oct 13, 2012 04:05 AM EDT

Fruit Flies Show Adoptive Genetic Variation

The fruit flies, Drosophila Melanogaster are widely used for genetics research. But it looks like they are now making their way back to Africa and establishing new populations alongside flies that never left. This offers new insight into the forces that shape genetic variation.

Trigger for Volcanic Eruption Uncovered
Oct 13, 2012 04:03 AM EDT

Trigger for Volcanic Eruption Uncovered

The scientists identified crystal cumulate nodules discovered in pyroclastic deposits of major eruptions. The cumulate nodules are nothing but the igneous rocks formed by the accumulation of crystals in magma. They discovered that in pyroclastic deposits of major eruptions there was a pre-eruptive m...

‘Jake’ Resembles Unusual Rocks From Earth's Volcanic Areas
Oct 12, 2012 05:15 AM EDT

Martian 'Jake' Resembles Unusual Rocks From Earth's Volcanic Areas

The football size rock named "Jake Matijevic" is the first Martian rock NASA's Curiosity has reached out to and it appears that this rock resembles some unusual rock from volcanic regions of Earth. The rock's compositions tell stories about unseen environments and planetary processes.

Cell Phones Used To Control Spread of Malaria
Oct 12, 2012 05:13 AM EDT

Cell Phones Used To Control Spread of Malaria

Globally nearly 3 billion people fall victim to malaria and nearly 1 million people die due to the dreaded disease with 90 percent of children in the Sub Saharan Africa afflicted by it.Now, a modern gadget has helped researchers to map and target the disease. The cell phone data of 15 million people...

New Environmentally Friendly Solar Cell Developed that Uses Tin as Light Absorbing Material
Oct 12, 2012 04:50 AM EDT

New Method to Observe and Prevent Solar Cell Degradation

A method has been established in order to observe and prevent solar cell degradation. This method has been established at the University of Luxembourg's Laboratory for Photovoltaics. This new method has implications for the solar cell manufacturing industry since chemical damage to the solar cells c...

14 Month Old Meteorite Reveals Martian Secrets
Oct 12, 2012 04:48 AM EDT

14 Month Old Meteorite Reveals Martian Secrets

Launched off its planet Mars by the impact of an asteroid, the 14 months old meteorite provides crucial details about Mars. Landed in the Moroccon desert the meteorite 'Tissint' is being studied by the researcher Chris Herd at the University of Alberta.

Microbes Dictate Animal Behaviour in Feeding and Mating.
Oct 12, 2012 04:47 AM EDT

Microbes Dictate Animal Behaviour in Feeding and Mating

A new approach to understand animal behaviour is focusing on the relationship between animal behaviour and beneficial microbes. Microbiomes are the community of microbes that dwell inside the animal's body. This study evaluates the recent advancement in this emerging research area and proposes quest...

Planet Full of Diamonds Just 40 Light Years Away
Oct 12, 2012 04:44 AM EDT

Planet Full of Diamonds Just 40 Light Years Away

Diamonds are considered to be women's best friend and they are found in abundance in a newly discovered planet '55 Cancri e'. At least a third of Cancri e, equivalent of about three times the Earth mass, is said to be made of diamonds. Twice the size of Earth, the planet is in Constellation of Cance...

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