
Deep Impact spacecraft completed a firing of its onboard rocket motors
Oct 10, 2012 03:01 AM EDT

Deep Impact spacecraft completed a firing of its onboard rocket motors

Designed to study the composition of the comet interior of Tempel, NASA's Deep Impact was launched on 2005. Till date Deep Impact has travelled a total of 4.2 billion miles.

100 Million Year Old Spider Attack Trapped in Amber
Oct 10, 2012 03:01 AM EDT

100 Million Year Old Ancient Spider Attack Trapped in Amber

One of the oldest evidence of the social behaviour in spiders has been trapped in a fossil that is110 million years old. The fossil of an ancient spider attack was discovered by the researchers from Orgeon State University. This is the only fossil that clearly depicts a spider attack on prey trapped...

Oct 09, 2012 10:45 PM EDT

Depression in Pregnant Mother Lowers Babies Language Development

Maternal depression is considered as a risk factor for the socioemotional and cognitive development of children. Mothers with depression are less likely to engage positively with their children. Maternal depression has consequences on the child's development.

Oct 09, 2012 05:19 AM EDT

Learning Languages at a Very Fast Pace Makes Brain Grow

Interested in learning a new language? It definitely isn't an easy task but has many benefits. According to a new Swedish study, learning new language at a very fast pace makes the brain grow.

Infrared Reveals Giant Black Holes
Oct 09, 2012 05:18 AM EDT

Infrared Reveals Giant Black Holes

Supermassive black holes are known to be present in the centers of all galaxies. In the most massive galaxies in the Universe they grow through violent collisions with other galaxies. And this ignites the formation of new stars and provided food for the black holes to devour.

Oct 08, 2012 07:57 AM EDT

50 Feet Whale in Boston Harbor

A large 50 feet dead Finback Whale was found floating near Deer Island in Boston Harbor on Sunday. The officials are still clueless about cause of the death as this is rarity for the area.

NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory Moved into its Semi-Annual Eclipse Season
Oct 08, 2012 07:55 AM EDT

Solar Dynamic Observatory in Semi-Annual Eclipse Season

Launched in 2010, Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) is a NASA mission that will observe Sun for over five years. It is part of the Living With a star program. SDO has now moved into its semi-annual eclipse season. During this the Earth blocks the telescope's view of the sun for a period of time each...

Acorn Worm
Oct 08, 2012 07:52 AM EDT

Scientists Name New Acorn Worm as Yoda from Star Wars

Scientists have discovered three new species of acorn worms belonging to the family of Torquaratoridae, ten years later when the first species of the family was found.

Oct 08, 2012 06:11 AM EDT

New Group of Gatekeeper Cells Regulating Learning and Memory Discovered

A new group of nerve cells acting as gatekeepers and regulate the process of learning and memory, has been detected. These nerve calls carry a receptor for nicotine that explains our ability to remember and sort information.

Drugs Used to Cure Lung Disease Works With Body Clock, Study Reveals
Oct 08, 2012 06:10 AM EDT

New Approach to Scanning to Improve Diagnosis of Lung Diseases

One of the common medical conditions worldwide is lung disease. Millions of people in the U.S. have lung disease. According to the Medline Plus, if all the types of lung diseases are clubbed together, it is the number three killer in the U.S as most of them go undetected.

SpaceX Dragon Enters Private Cargo Supply Space
Oct 08, 2012 06:05 AM EDT

SpaceX Dragon Enters Private Cargo Supply Space

First commercial cargo delivery flight to the International Space Station has finally lifted off. This part of NASA's commercial supply services after retiring the space shuttle program.

Oct 08, 2012 06:04 AM EDT

Borneo’s Land Clearing for Palm Oil is Producing Huge Emissions of Carbon Dioxide

As one of the leading producers of the palm and palm kernel oil Indonesia accounts for more than 30 percent of the world's vegetable oil use that can also be biodiesel. Major expansion of Indonesia's oil palm plantation is occurring on the island of Borneo, also known as Kalimantan, which occupies a...

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