
 Early Animal Evolution Due to Oxygen Rise
Sep 27, 2012 06:35 AM EDT

Early Animal Evolution Due to Oxygen Rise

It has long been speculated that the rise in atmospheric oxygen levels is responsible for early animal evolution. But many studies failed to provide a direct cause and effect relationships between animal and environmental evolution. This was because of the lack of direct evidence for an oxygen incre...

Salt Marshes Remove Carbon Dioxide and Slow Down Climate Change
Sep 27, 2012 06:32 AM EDT

Salt Marshes Remove Carbon Dioxide and Slow Down Climate Change

Greenhouse gas carbon dioxide acts like an atmospheric blanket trapping Earth's heat and abundance of carbon dioxide can alter the global climate. And warming climate causes the polar ice to melt thereby causing the sea levels to rise.

Gut Taste Mechanism Defective in Type 2 Diabetes People
Sep 27, 2012 06:27 AM EDT

Type 2 Diabetes Origin in Intestine, Early Detection by Gut Bacteria Test

Many Americans suffering from Type 2 diabetes and they may not be even aware of it. However, a new study says that gut bacteria can reveal whether you suffer from the disease or not.

Space Time Crystal: A Clock That Will Never Stop
Sep 26, 2012 07:16 AM EDT

Four Dimensional Crystal Clock That Will Never Stop

An international team of scientists led by researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have proposed an innovative design of a space time crystal based on an electric field ion trap and the Coulomb repulsion of particles that carry the same electric charge.

Sep 26, 2012 06:25 AM EDT

European Spacecraft Postpones Undocking From ISS

The undocking of the European cargo spacecraft from the International Space Station has been delayed due to certain communication malfunction. Original scheduled for the undocking of the ATV-3 resupply spacecraft was at 2.35 am, Wednesday.

Missing One of the Nine Types of Care Proves to be Fatal for Heart Attack Patients
Sep 26, 2012 06:20 AM EDT

Low Levels of Vitamin D Linked to Higher Risk of Heart Attack

Vitamin D is a steroid vitamin that is important for the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorous and which have various crucial functions, especially maintaining healthy bones. This works as an immune system regulator.

Mars Rover Curiosity Gets Close Look at the Rock Sample
Sep 26, 2012 06:18 AM EDT

Mars Rover Curiosity Gets Close Look at the Rock Sample

Mars Rover Curiosity has touched the Martian rock with its robotic arm for the first time on Sept. 22. It assessed the chemical elements in the rock called 'Jake Matijevic'.

Red Wine Consuming Honeybees Eat Less and Survive Long
Sep 26, 2012 06:15 AM EDT

Red Wine Consuming Honeybees Eat Less and Survive Long

Several health benefits were linked to consumption of red wine, right from dropping blood pressure in men and protecting against obesity and diabetes. Now, the human race has competition.

FDA Approves Return of Drug After 30 Years to Treat Morning Sickness
Sep 26, 2012 06:11 AM EDT

Snoring During Pregnancy is Indication of High Blood Pressure

Snoring during pregnancy is common complaint. Most pregnant women found snoring were reacting to the increased levels of estrogen and other hormones. These women are at a high risk of high blood pressure.

Microbial Life Migrated From Earth's Oceans to Land 2.75 Billion Years Ago
Sep 25, 2012 06:24 AM EDT

Microbial Life Migrated From Earth's Oceans to Land 2.75 Billion Years Ago

New evidence on the microbial life points to migration of microbial life from Earth's oceans to land 2.75 billion years ago. According to the researchers from the University of Washington early microbes might have been widespread on land, producing oxygen and weathering pyrite, an iron sulfide miner...

Targeted Laser Takes Control of Tiny Animal’s Brain
Sep 25, 2012 06:22 AM EDT

Targeted Laser Takes Control of Tiny Animal’s Brain

The scientists from Harvard have taken control over an animal's brain by using precisely targeted lasers. This new revolutionary development could help in understand human nervous system. The Harvard researchers can instruct the tiny worm C. Elegans to turn in any direction they choose. They can eve...

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef
Sep 25, 2012 06:20 AM EDT

Major Changes in the Waters of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef

A team of marine scientists have stated that drastic changes are occurring in the waters of Australia's Great Barrier Reef (GBR) over the past 25 years. This evidence was yielded from the satellite measurement of sea surface temperatures.

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