
NASA Tech Spinoff to Save Trapped Miners
Sep 29, 2012 04:41 AM EDT

NASA Tech Spinoff to Save Trapped Miners

A technology that was actually designed for the use of astronauts in the hazardous environment of space can now be used as a lifesaver in dangerous occupation such as coal mining.

A Chance to be Part of Space Station Experiment
Sep 29, 2012 04:39 AM EDT

A Chance to be Part of Space Station Experiment

Good News!!! NASA provides you with a golden opportunity to be a part of the International Space Station research. The academia, industry and government agencies can now develop and carry out research and technology demonstrations on the space station using the newly installed Space Communications a...

Venus Transit Images Reveal Parallax Effects and Measure of Distance to Sun
Sep 29, 2012 04:37 AM EDT

Venus Transit Images Reveal Parallax Effects and Measure of Distance to Sun

Six hours of observational video and 5000 individual images of the transit of Venus June 6, 2012, taken by optical and solar telescopes from two different locations on Earth and they clearly show the parallax effects that have made Venus transits so important historically.

Sep 29, 2012 04:34 AM EDT

Cherries Lower Risk of Gout Attacks

One of the most painful types of arthritis is 'Gout'. Untreated gout attacks range from mild to severe which can be experienced by both men and women. Gout attacks cause sudden severe joint pain and be combined with redness, swelling, and tenderness of the joint at times. Gout is a disease that resu...

Nanoparticles Switch On Light Inside Thick Layer of Human Tissue
Sep 29, 2012 04:33 AM EDT

Nanoparticles Switch On Light Inside Thick Layer of Human Tissue

There is new way to look at tissues under the skin. An international team of researchers from the University at Buffalo and other institutions in the U.S., China, South Korea and Sweden have designed a unique photoluminescent nanoparticle for deep tissue imaging.

Study Highlights the Cause of Salt Cedar Damage
Sep 28, 2012 07:15 AM EDT

Good News: Salt Cedars are Shedding Leaves, May Take More Years for Extermination

It was noticed that the salt cedar along the waterways of the southern and eastern Panhandle were getting leafless and dying at a faster rate. And an entomologist from Texas A & M AgriLife Research provided a reason for the process of defoliation.

Biologists Describe Capture Mechanism of Sundew
Sep 28, 2012 07:06 AM EDT

Snap and Capture Mechanism of Sundew Plant Traps Insects

Generally restricted to sunny, wet environment the carnivorous plants are distributed worldwide. They display a complex mechanism in order to survive in habitats that are poor in nutrients. Trapping systems help them to attract, kill, and digest small prey animals.

Billion Year Old Water Found in Canada Holds Clues About Ancient Life
Sep 28, 2012 06:45 AM EDT

After the Rock Show Curiosity Sees Old Streambed on Mars

After touching the Martian rock with its robotic arm for the first time on Sept 22, NASA's Curiosity has detected a stream that once ran vigorously across the area of Mars where the rover is driving. Prior to this there was evidence for the presence of water on Mars but the images provided by Curio...

Sep 28, 2012 06:42 AM EDT

HIV Drug Efavirenz Causes Memory Decline

Victims of HIV highly rely on number of medication to suppress the virus. A few of them even take drugs for decades. Till date most of the researchers were blinded with the assumption that the disease causes damage to the brain, but the new Johns Hopkins research suggest that the drug efavirenz may ...

Lithium-Ion Batteries with New Electrode for Long Life
Sep 28, 2012 06:41 AM EDT

Lithium-Ion Batteries with New Electrode for Long Life

A new material has been developed to improve the energy storage capacity of batteries so that laptops, cellphones, electric cars and other mobile devices can be used for longer duration. This new material has been developed by Steven Arnold Klankowski, a doctoral candidate in chemistry, La Crescent,...

Ancient Buddhist Statue Carved From Meteorites: Study
Sep 27, 2012 07:33 AM EDT

Ancient Buddhist Statue Carved From Meteorite

A 1000 year old statue of an ancient Buddhist that is known as the 'Iron Man' has been analyzed by a team of scientists led by Dr. Elmar Buchner from the Institute of Planetology, University of Stuttgart.

Making Old Muscles Young and Fighting Fit During Aging
Sep 27, 2012 06:46 AM EDT

Making Old Muscles Young and Fighting Fit During Aging

The crucial factor that is responsible for declining muscle repair during aging has been traced by an international team of scientists. They have also revealed how to arrest the process in the mice with the aid of a common drug.

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