
Naked Mole Rats’ Acidic Survival Gives Clues on Developing Tolerance to Hostile Environment
Sep 22, 2012 06:37 AM EDT

Naked Mole Rats’ Acidic Survival Gives Clues on Developing Tolerance to Hostile Environment

A new study that is being done on the rodents describes how these rodents adapt to the acidic environment that even humans will not able to tolerate.

Humans Were Recycling 13,000 Years Ago
Sep 22, 2012 06:35 AM EDT

Humans Were Recycling 13,000 Years Ago

The concept of reuse and recycle is not a modern civilization's monopolistic invention. It was a way of life thousands of years ago. A study based on the artefacts found in the Moli del Salt in Tarragona, Spain claims that humans from the upper Palaeolithic Age recycled their stoner artefacts to put...

NASA’s NuSTAR Telescope Completes 100 Days
Sep 22, 2012 06:34 AM EDT

NASA’s NuSTAR Telescope Completes 100 Days

NASA's Nuclear spectroscopic Telescope Array or NuSTAR has completed its 100 days journey on Sept 21. NuSTAR is the first telescope designed to focus on high energy, short length X ray lights from some of the most dynamic objects in space like the black holes and supernova remnants.

Sep 22, 2012 06:32 AM EDT

Greenhouse Grown Corn Can Treat Childhood Genetic Disease

The greenhouse grown corn seeds can be used in treating rare life threatening childhood genetic disease. This study was done by the researchers from the Simon Fraser University.

Yogurt Consumption Lowers Blood Pressure
Sep 21, 2012 08:56 AM EDT

Yogurt Consumption Lowers Risk of Blood Pressure

Having nutritional benefits beyond those of milk, yogurt is more than just a nutritious snack. It is known to boost protein and bone building calcium.

Traces of Hydrated Minerals on Asteroid Vesta
Sep 21, 2012 06:46 AM EDT

Traces of Hydrated Minerals on Asteroid Vesta

A new finding by NASA's Dawn spacecraft is that the giant asteroid Vesta has its own version of ring around the collar.

Sep 21, 2012 06:33 AM EDT

Human Brain Likes Rewards and Consumption of Chocolate

One of the most commonly carved foods especially among women is 'Chocolate. For more than thousands of years people have been obsessed with this food. Mostly considered as a junk food, chocolate has some perks on health.

Psychopaths Have Impaired Sense of Smell
Sep 21, 2012 06:21 AM EDT

Psychopaths Have Impaired Sense of Smell

A sizeable number of people amongst us are psychopaths. That could be a dangerous and scary prospect. However, this personality disorder is very difficult to identify and spot as the psychopaths appear normal though they lack the sense of right and wrong. Focusing on this disorder, the researchers f...

Microbes Dictate Animal Behaviour in Feeding and Mating.
Sep 21, 2012 06:19 AM EDT

They Do Not Bumble Around: Bumblebees Select Optimal Route to Collect Nectar

For the first time the bumblebees have been tracked in order to study how they select the most favourable route to collect nectar from multiple flowers and then return safely to their nest.

Sep 20, 2012 09:52 AM EDT

Delirium in Older Patients Should Not be Ignored

A sudden severe confusion and rapid changes in brain that is most often caused by physical or mental illness in older people, "Delirium" is often ignored and untreated.

Study: Extreme Temperatures Increase Risk of Premature Cardiovascular Death
Sep 20, 2012 09:47 AM EDT

Extreme Temperatures Increase Premature Cardiovascular Death

Heat waves or cold spells have bearing on the deaths as body reacts to variation in temperature.

High Powered Laser
Sep 20, 2012 09:05 AM EDT

High Powered Laser Used To Study World at Atomic Level

A high powered laser was used by a multi university team based at UC Santa Barbara to advance the tool used by scientists to study the world at the atomic level.

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