
One in Five U.S. Men Report Violence Toward Intimate Partner
Sep 08, 2012 05:47 AM EDT

Sleep Problems Linked To Onset of Alzheimer’s

The problems while sleeping may be early sign of Alzheimer's disease. A study by a team of researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis was published in the journal Science Translation Medicine. It suggests that when the first signs of Alzheimer's plaques appear in the ...

Cheetah robot Sets Speed Record
Sep 08, 2012 05:43 AM EDT

Cheetah robot Sets Speed Record

DARPA'S Cheetah robot not only is as tough as Usain Bolt but also has Speed. It has now broken its own land speed record of 18 miles per hour (mph).

Sep 08, 2012 05:41 AM EDT

Cockroach Becomes Robot and Saves Cost

The researchers from the University of North Carolina State University have figured a way to control the eerie looking cockroaches. The team from the IBionicS laboratory installed a control unit on the insect in order to take control of its body.

Water Droplets’ Collision is New Concept of Computing
Sep 08, 2012 05:35 AM EDT

Water Droplets’ Collision is New Concept of Computing

By using droplets as bits of digital information, the Aalto University researchers have developed a new concept of computing.

Curiosity Gears Up to Use Tools on Its Arms
Sep 07, 2012 10:28 AM EDT

Curiosity Gears Up to Use Tools on Its Arms

After travelling for nearly 109 meters on the red planet, NASAs Mars Rover is taking a halt in order to prepare using its tools on its arm.

Dad’s Sleeping Close to Kids Have Low Testosterone Levels
Sep 07, 2012 10:27 AM EDT

Dad’s Sleeping Close to Kids Have Low Testosterone Levels

A new study states those fathers who sleep close to their children have a greater chance of having lower testosterone levels with possible implications for parenting behaviour.

Parents of Clumsy Children to Face Charges
Sep 07, 2012 09:14 AM EDT

Parents Rushing Children to Hospital With Minor Injuries Face Charges

According to a new report from the Australian Institute of Family Studies parents of clumsy children who rush with their kids too many times at a hospital's emergency ward, are at a greater risk for facing neglect charges.

Hubble Detects a New Pair of Galaxies
Sep 07, 2012 07:31 AM EDT

Hubble Detects a New Pair of Galaxies

The new image produced by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope points at a pair of galaxies that are different from each other, yet traveling together in the interstellar cosmos. This unique galaxy pair is named as Arp 116.

Depression Likely to Cause Difficulties With Parenting: Study
Sep 07, 2012 06:18 AM EDT

Grandparents Important Source of Child Care in US

A new finding by researchers at the University of Chicago says that grandparents in the United States seem to be an increasingly important source of child care.

Sep 07, 2012 06:10 AM EDT

Crabs Color Code to Select Edible Food

Crabs living down in the ocean beyond the reach of sunlight have a color vision combining sensitivity to blue and ultraviolet light. And this detection of shorter wavelength helps them to pick between a good food and the toxic one.

Japanese Vessel Drills to Record Depth in Search of Hydrocarbons
Sep 07, 2012 06:08 AM EDT

Japanese Vessel Drills to Record Depth in Search of Hydrocarbons

A new world record was set by the scientific deep sea drilling vessel Chikyu for drilling down deeper than 2,111meters below the seafloor off Shimokita Peninsula of Japan in the northwest Pacific Ocean.

Spacewalking Astronauts Use Toothbrush to Fix Station’s Power System
Sep 06, 2012 10:28 AM EDT

Spacewalking Astronauts Use Toothbrush to Fix Station’s Power System

The spacewalking astronauts Sunita Williams and Japan's Akihiko Hoshide rejoiced over the successfully fixing the sticky stubborn bolt and installing a new power system unit.

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