
Bitter Melon Juice Prevents Pancreatic Cancer: Study
Sep 18, 2012 06:11 AM EDT

People in Less Walkable Neighbourhood Develop Diabetes

It is known that maintain an ideal body weight and an active lifestyle helps in preventing diabetes. The researchers from St. Michael's Hospital and the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences focus on this aspect and claim that risk of developing diabetes is high for immigrants who live in low i...

Drinking Red Wine Helps Boost Spine Bone Density, Study Finds
Sep 17, 2012 08:10 AM EDT

Abstinence from Alcohol and Exercise Helps Reclaim Bone Mass

Seemingly inert bone tissue is affected by the toxicity of alcohol.

Breech Babies Suffer Increased Death Risk From Vaginal Delivery
Sep 17, 2012 08:03 AM EDT

Pregnancy Smoking Affects Neurodevelopment in Babies

Smoking during pregnancy is one of the main threats for both mothers an infant. According to an epidemiological study 11 to 30 percent of pregnant women smoke or are passively exposed to tobacco.

Sep 17, 2012 06:59 AM EDT

Endeavour’s Ferry Flight Postponed Due To Bad Weather

Due to unfavourable weather forecast, the Sept 17 ferry flight of Endeavour space shuttle atop the 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA) has been postponed to Sept 18.

Expedition 32 Completes Mission, Three Astronauts Return Safely
Sep 17, 2012 06:58 AM EDT

Expedition 32 Completes Mission, Three Astronauts Return Safely

U.S and Russian astronauts undocked safely from the International Space Station (ISS) and returned to Earth Sunday after successfully completing their mission. The mission lasted for more than four months.

Sep 17, 2012 06:56 AM EDT

Breath Analysis to Diagnose Pulmonary Nodules Disease

A pilot study claims that breath testing could be used to identify benign and malignant pulmonary nodules. Normally the patients undergo CT scan in pulmonary diagnosis procedure.

Sep 17, 2012 06:55 AM EDT

Genetic Mutation Triggers Inherited Skin Disorder

A team of researchers have found a strong genetic evidence of a link between mutations of the mevalonate kinase gene (MVK) and disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis (DSAP) , a skin disease.

Sitting Time Linked to Chronic Diseases
Sep 15, 2012 07:02 AM EDT

Obesity More Common in Rural US Due to Diet Rich in Fat and Less Activity

New study says that Americans living in the rural areas are more likely to be obese when compared to the city residents.

Couples Where Wives Have Higher Education, Are No Longer At Risk of Divorce
Sep 15, 2012 05:45 AM EDT

Parental Divorce Hard on Boys with Stroke as Risk Later in Life

Looks like half of the marriages end in divorce. A report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that a staggering 3.4 per 1,000 population end in divorce. In such scenarios children are the innocent victims. The entire episode of divorce is tough for children, especially males.

Sep 15, 2012 05:42 AM EDT

New Drug to Grow Brain Cells May Treat Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer's that appears after the age of 60 is irreversible and type 2 diabetes is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. But a new drug designed by the scientists from the University of Ulster has the potential to treat the dreaded disease. These drugs have the benefit for keeping our brain cells ...

Sep 15, 2012 05:14 AM EDT

Low Cost Design Makes Ultrasound Affordable, Portable

A team of engineers form the Newcastle University have developed a novel ultra low cost scanner that can be plugged into any computer or laptop in order to get access to important information about the unborn child.

Starry-Skied Planets Found Around Sun-Like Stars in a Cluster
Sep 15, 2012 05:10 AM EDT

Starry-Skied Planets Found Around Sun-Like Stars in a Cluster

For the first time astronomers have spotted starry skied planets orbiting sun-like stars. This new finding suggests that planets can appear in dense stellar environment.

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