
Should the Human Thighbone Be Redesigned as an Exoskeleton?
Sep 13, 2012 08:21 AM EDT

Humans Lack Better Designed Legs of Crabs, Grasshoppers

The legs of the crabs and grasshoppers are shaped in such a manner that can resist twisting and compression, but human leg bones lack this. According to the study if the human leg bones were built in the same way they would have been much stronger.

A New Species Of Monkey Has Been discovered
Sep 13, 2012 08:18 AM EDT

A New Species Of Monkey Has Been Discovered

A new species of African Monkey specie has been discovered in remote forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The newly discovered specie is lesula that is formally named as Cercopithecus Lomamienis.

Gut Microbes Increase the absorption of Dietary Fats
Sep 13, 2012 08:16 AM EDT

Gut Microbes Increase Absorption of Dietary Fats

A new study by from the University of North Carolina school of Medicines underscore the complex relationship between microbes, diet and host physiology.

Western Scrub Jays Hold Funerals For Their Dead: Bird Study
Sep 12, 2012 08:23 AM EDT

Western Scrub Jay Birds Hold Funerals For Their Dead

Western Scrub Jays that live in breeding pair and are not particularly social birds have projected a peculiar behavior that captured the minds of the researchers from the University of California, Davis.

Dry Ice Snowfalls on Mars Detected: NASA
Sep 12, 2012 08:19 AM EDT

Dry Ice Snowfalls on Mars Confirmed

The data revealed by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter data clearly indicates the presence of carbon dioxide snowfalls on Mars. This is the only example of carbon dioxide snow falling anywhere in the solar system.

Sep 12, 2012 08:19 AM EDT

Hearing Impaired Process Sound Differently

Nearly 36 million American adults suffer with hearing loss in varying degree. A study focusing on this, claims that background chatter causes the ears of those with hearing impairments to work differently.

Fossils of Amphibian Discovered That Existed 315 Millions Years Back
Sep 12, 2012 08:08 AM EDT

Fossils of Smallest Known Amphibian Discovered

A new set of fossil footprints that belonged to a small amphibian which would have roamed the Earth 315 million years ago has been traced in Joggins, Nova Scotia near Amherst. These footprints are the world's smallest known fossil vertebrate footprints.

NYC Mayor Proposes to Keep Tobacco Out of Sight in stores
Sep 12, 2012 07:37 AM EDT

Exposure to Secondhand Smoking Damages Memory: Study

People who live with smokers might be at a great risk. According to the researchers from the Northumbria University, non-smokers who spend more time with smokers or live with them are at a high risk of damaging their memory.

Long Forgotten Wasp Holds Key to Control of Annoying Redback Spiders
Sep 12, 2012 06:55 AM EDT

Long Forgotten Wasp Holds Key to Control of Annoying Redback Spiders

The wasp Agenioideus nigricornis that was lost more than 200 years ago is now being discovered as a predator of Australia's most common dangerous spider, the redback. And, the scientists are excited as the redback spider is most obnoxious pest of Australian homes and they seem to have found natural ...

Sep 11, 2012 09:00 AM EDT

Physical and Other Activities Sacrificed Online

A new online survey one on 350 students measuring the networking activity and levels of physical activity suggest that, time spent on social networking sites blocks other activities including physical activity.

Emotion Detector Developed Using a Genetic Algorithm
Sep 11, 2012 08:54 AM EDT

Emotion Detector Developed Using a Genetic Algorithm

The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing carries an interesting of how a computer is being taught to interpret human emotions based on lip pattern.

Study: Heavy Drinking Linked to Stroke in Early Life
Sep 11, 2012 08:49 AM EDT

Heavy Drinking Linked to Stroke in Early Life

The study that is being published in the medical Journal of the American Academy of Neurology focuses on the effects of heavy alcohol use on the timeline of stroke and the long term outcome for those who are habituated to it.

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