
Structure of Human Argonaute-2 in Complex with miR-20a
May 25, 2012 03:00 PM EDT

CSHL researchers solve structure of human protein critical for silencing genes

Atomic structure of human Argonaute-2 protein bound to a microRNA 'guide' could lead to better understanding of RNA interference mechanisms

Hurricane Bud
May 25, 2012 02:57 PM EDT

NASA sees Hurricane Bud threaten western Mexico's coast

NASA satellites are providing rainfall, temperature, pressure, visible and infrared data to forecasters as Hurricane Bud is expected to make a quick landfall in western Mexico this weekend before turning back to sea. NASA's TRMM and Aqua satellites have been flying over Bud as it nears the Mexican c...

May 25, 2012 02:53 PM EDT

Typhoon Sanvu affecting Iwo To, then expected to fade over weekend

Infrared and visible imagery from NASA's Aqua satellite taken on May 25, 2012, showed an impressive Typhoon Sanvu already affecting the islands of Iwo To and Chichi Jima, Japan. The typhoon is expected to run into cooler waters and become extra-tropical over the next several days.

May 25, 2012 02:48 PM EDT

Companies Releasing More Sub-$100 Computers

Two new models in Asia are attempting to break into the micro-PC market.

Old Flute
May 25, 2012 02:04 PM EDT

Oldest-Known Musical Instruments Found in Germany

Scientists have found flutes dating back to around 42,000 years ago in Geissenkloesterle Cave.

No Needle
May 25, 2012 01:14 PM EDT

MIT Device Delivers Medicine Without a Needle

A new jet-based injection device allows for different types of medicines to be administered at different depths.

Trapped Rainbow
May 25, 2012 12:37 PM EDT

A "Trapped Rainbow" Could Hold The Key To Cloaking

By slowing down and trapping light, researchers have been able to create 25,000 nano invisibility cloaks.

May 25, 2012 11:53 AM EDT

Our Brains React Similarly To Strong Emotional States

A study published this year found that participants had the same brain activities when exposed to the same stimuli.

Tractor Beam
May 25, 2012 10:59 AM EDT

Tractor Beams Now A Reality On A Very Small Scale

Researchers have proven that a tractor beam effect is possible using a specific kind of laser.

May 25, 2012 10:25 AM EDT

Evidence of Reduced Carbon On Mars Found

A recent study funded by NASA has revealed that meteorites from Mars aged as old as 4.2 billion years contain reduced carbon, an organic macromolecule. The study also confirmed that the carbon was non-biologically formed.

May 23, 2012 04:10 PM EDT

Geological Record Shows Air Up There Came From Below

The air from within the planet might be affecting us more than we know.

Top 10 New Species
May 23, 2012 04:06 PM EDT

Top 10 New Species List Draws Attention To Diverse Biosphere

Sneezing monkey, SpongeBob mushroom, night-blooming orchid and teensy attack wasp make 2012 list.

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