
Silicon Wire Wrapped In Gold
May 21, 2012 02:39 PM EDT

Invisibility Cloak May Not Be Far Off

Scientists at Stanford and UPenn have figured out a way to cloak a think silicon wire wrapped in gold.

May 21, 2012 02:09 PM EDT

Researchers Aim to Assemble the Tree of Life for All 2 Million Named Species

A new initiative aims to build a grand tree of life that brings together everything scientists know about how all living things are related, from the tiniest bacteria to the tallest tree.

May 21, 2012 01:58 PM EDT

Fifteen-Year-Old Creates Non-Invasive Pancreatic Cancer Detection Tool

Jack Andraka, 15, of Crownsville, Md. was awarded first place for his new method to detect pancreatic cancer at this year's Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, a program of Society for Science & the Public. Based on diabetic test paper, Jack created a simple dip-stick sensor to test bl...

May 21, 2012 01:44 PM EDT

Discovery Suggests New Combination Therapy Strategy for Basal-like Breast Cancers

Multiple research projects - including a 2006 study conducted at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - have used DNA microarray analysis to identify several breast cancer subtypes, including luminal A, luminal B, basal-like and HER2-enriched. Simple tests are being developed to help doct...

Dolphin Mercury
May 21, 2012 01:32 PM EDT

Mercury in Dolphins: Study Compares Toxin Levels in Captive and Wild Sea Mammals

Amid growing concerns about the spread of harmful mercury in plants and animals, a new study by researchers from The Johns Hopkins University and The National Aquarium has compared levels of the chemical in captive dolphins with dolphins found in the wild.

Sick Dolphin in Florida
May 21, 2012 01:20 PM EDT

Higher Levels of Mercury in Florida Dolphins

A recent study has shown that dolphins downwind from a power plant carry higher levels of mercury than their captive cousins who eat from the North Atlantic.

May 21, 2012 12:37 PM EDT

Rare Neurons Discovered in Monkey Brains

The anterior insular cortex is a small brain region that plays a crucial role in human self-awareness and in related neuropsychiatric disorders.

Entamoeba histolytica cyst.
May 21, 2012 12:18 PM EDT

Arthritis Drug Offers Cheap Cure for Dysentery

Researchers have found that the arthritis drug auranofin can be used to treat dysentery infections caused by parasites.

Lena River Delta, Satellite View
May 21, 2012 12:04 PM EDT

Toxic Mercury, Accumulating in the Arctic, Springs from a Hidden Source

Environmental scientists at Harvard have discovered that the Arctic accumulation of mercury, a toxic element, is caused by both atmospheric forces and the flow of circumpolar rivers that carry the element north into the Arctic Ocean.

May 21, 2012 11:49 AM EDT

Discovery of Mechanisms Predicting Response to New Treatments in Colon Cancer

The Stem Cells and Cancer Research Group headed by Dr Héctor G. Palmer at the Vall d'Hebrón Institute of Oncology (VHIO) has identified the molecular mechanisms that determine patients' response to certain drugs used in clinical trials for colon cancer treatment.

May 21, 2012 11:43 AM EDT

Good News for Nanomedicine: Quantum Dots Appear Safe in Pioneering Study on Primates

- A pioneering study to gauge the toxicity of quantum dots in primates has found the tiny crystals to be safe over a one-year period, a hopeful outcome for doctors and scientists seeking new ways to battle diseases like cancer through nanomedicine.

Drs. Jörg Ihde and Uwe Lommatzsch, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
May 21, 2012 11:32 AM EDT

Functional Coatings from the Plasma Nozzle

When manufacturing products, the coating technology is a key innovation driver for almost all areas of daily life - for example, for making scratch-proof displays for smart phones or anti-bacterial surfaces in refrigerators.

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