
May 23, 2012 03:59 PM EDT

Banana sourcing policy holds key to feeding the world's growing population says The Co-operative

Banana's may be our answer to the growing food-shortage.

Patients Undergoing Planned Surgery On Weekend Are More Likely to Die
May 23, 2012 03:50 PM EDT

Skin Cells Could Be Used To Repair The Heart

Researchers have found a way to take a patient's skin cells and transform them into stem cells that can be used to repair the patient's damaged heart.

Crocodilians Have a Highly Armored and Sensitive Skin
May 23, 2012 03:24 PM EDT

Largest Crocodile Discovered In Kenya

A team of researchers has determined that decades-old fossils are actually the remains of the largest crocodile.

Nuclear Power Plant
May 23, 2012 02:33 PM EDT

Nuclear Reactor Accidents More Likely Than Previously Thought

We are likely to experience a nuclear reactor accident once every 10-20 years, according to a study from the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz.

U.S.S. Enterprise
May 23, 2012 01:51 PM EDT

100-Year Starship Program Receives First Grant From DARPA

The program, designed to hopefully make interstellar travel a reality, was awarded $500,000 from DARPA to kickstart its mission.

May 23, 2012 12:42 PM EDT

Magic Shows Us How We Perceive

A study from the Barrow's Laboratory of Behavioral Neurophysiology deciphers the way the audience perceives a magic trick.

May 23, 2012 11:46 AM EDT

Chimps and Orangutans Have Personalities Too

New research shows us that chimps and orangutans act more like us than we thought.

Weight Loss
May 23, 2012 10:54 AM EDT

Your Weight May Be At The Mercy Of Your Hypothalamus

New neurons in your hypothalamus, which regulates hunger, might be the reason sometimes it's hard to lose weight.

Falcon 9
May 22, 2012 01:03 PM EDT

SpaceX Launches First Private Spacecraft To International Space Station

Early Tuesday morning SpaceX launched the Falcon 9 rocket to carry the unmanned Dragon capsule to the International Space Station.

Leap 3D
May 22, 2012 12:16 PM EDT

Leap 3D System A New Way To Interact

Developed by Leap Motion, the Leap is a simple, cheap USB device that creates a virtual, cubic work space around the device it's plugged into.

Stressed Eggs
May 22, 2012 11:36 AM EDT

Stress May Be Linked to Previous Generation's Chemical Exposure

A study shows that the levels of stress in third generation rats increased if the first generation was exposed to the fungicide vinclozolin.

May 22, 2012 10:58 AM EDT

DARPA Cheetah Becomes Fastest Legged Robot

Watch this robot cheetah developed by Boston Dynamics reach up to 18 mph.

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