
Robot fish
May 22, 2012 10:37 AM EDT

Robot Fish Seek Out Water Pollution

A team in Spain is currently testing giant yellow robot fish that can swim for up to 8 hours and detect pollution automatically.

May 22, 2012 09:58 AM EDT

The Friendliest Deadly Bacteria

A new study shows how the leading cause of hospital infections is able to acquire resistance to even the strongest of our antibiotics. They make friends with other bacteria.

Killer Mice
May 22, 2012 09:24 AM EDT

Killer Mice On The Loose

House mice on the South Atlantic Island of Gough are chewing through baby bird populations.

May 21, 2012 05:10 PM EDT

Blood Tests With Rainbows and No Needles

A new breadbox-sized microscope can image a patient's blood in real-time and give back blood test results without all the hassle of a needle or harmful dyes.

May 21, 2012 04:23 PM EDT

Strategy Discovered to Activate Genes that Suppress Tumors and Inhibit Cancer

A team of scientists has developed a promising new strategy for "reactivating" genes that cause cancer tumors to shrink and die. The researchers hope that their discovery will aid in the development of an innovative anti-cancer drug that effectively targets unhealthy, cancerous tissue without damagi...

Weed Wars
May 21, 2012 04:07 PM EDT

Weed Wars...With Lasers!

Researchers in Germany are tackling the pesky problem of weeds with a futuristic approach - lasers.

Carbon Dioxide
May 21, 2012 04:07 PM EDT

From Lemons to Lemonade: Reaction Uses Carbon Dioxide to Make Carbon-Based Semiconductor

A materials scientist at Michigan Technological University has discovered a chemical reaction that not only eats up the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, it also creates something useful. And, by the way, it releases energy.

May 21, 2012 03:36 PM EDT

Squid Ink from Jurassic Period Identical to Modern Squid Ink, U.Va. Study Shows

An international team of researchers, including a University of Virginia professor, has found that two ink sacs from 160-million-year-old giant cephalopod fossils discovered two years ago in England contain the pigment melanin, and that it is essentially identical to the melanin found in the ink sac...

May 21, 2012 03:30 PM EDT

Zooming in on Bacterial Weapons in 3-D

The plague, bacterial dysentery, and cholera have one thing in common: These dangerous diseases are caused by bacteria which infect their host using a sophisticated injection apparatus. Through needle-like structures, they release molecular agents into their host cell, thereby evading the immune res...

Word Recognition Patterns Change as We Grow Older
May 21, 2012 03:21 PM EDT

Solar-Powered Implants May Help Your Eyes

Thin, solar-powered retinal implants being developed at Stanford University offer a promising solution to retinal degeneration.

May 21, 2012 03:05 PM EDT

York Researchers Evaluate Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity and Habitats in East Africa

University of York researchers will play a key role in a new project studying the impact of climate change in Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia.

Tropical storm
May 21, 2012 02:40 PM EDT

Tropical Storm Alberto "Visited" the South Carolina Coast This Weekend

The Atlantic hurricane season officially starts June 1, but the 2012 season's first storm arrived a little early. On May 19, 2012, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) reported that Tropical Storm Alberto had formed off the South Carolina coast. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer ...

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