
Links Between Land and Sea
May 18, 2012 03:18 PM EDT

Stanford Scientists Document Fragile Land-sea Ecological Chain

Douglas McCauley and Paul DeSalles did not set out to discover one of the longest ecological interaction chains ever documented. But that's exactly what they and a team of researchers - all current or former Stanford students and faculty - did in a new study published in Scientific Reports.

May 18, 2012 03:10 PM EDT

Researchers Name New Extinct Giant Turtle Found near World's Largest Snake

University of Florida researchers have described a new extinct giant turtle species from the same Colombian mine where they discovered Titanoboa - and one of the only animals the world's largest snake could not have eaten.

May 18, 2012 01:17 PM EDT

En Route to a Quantum Computer

The Volkswagen Foundation is financing a materials science project being conducted jointly by the universities in Mainz and Osnabrück in collaboration with the Jülich Research Center. The support is to be provided over a period of three years and will total €550,000.

May 18, 2012 01:11 PM EDT

Facebook and Smartphones: New Tools for Psychological Science Research

Whether you're an iPerson who can't live without a Mac, a Facebook addict, or a gamer, you know that social media and technology say things about your personality and thought processes. And psychological scientists know it too - they've started researching how new media and devices both reveal and c...

May 18, 2012 01:01 PM EDT

Is the Earth a Cosmic Feather-duster?

Scientists at the University of Leeds are looking to discover how dust particles in the solar system interact with the Earth's atmosphere.

Fraunhofer Research Team
May 18, 2012 12:56 PM EDT

Ultra-short Laser Pulses for Science and Industry

Laser technology uses light. Light can be rapidly and precisely deflected, shaped and focused. If we pulse laser light and reduce pulse duration more and more, the laser tool works even more precisely.

May 18, 2012 12:46 PM EDT

Finding Fingerprints in Sea Level Rise

It was used to help Apollo astronauts navigate in space, and has since been applied to problems as diverse as economics and weather forecasting, but Harvard scientists are now using a powerful statistical tool to not only track sea level rise over time, but to determine where the water causing the r...

May 18, 2012 11:56 AM EDT

Hinode Mission to Capture Annular Solar Eclipse This Weekend

On May 20-21, 2012 an annular eclipse of the Sun will be visible from within a narrow corridor along Earth's northern Hemisphere -- beginning in eastern Asia, crossing the North Pacific Ocean, and ending in the western United States. A partial eclipse will be visible from a much larger region coveri...

May 18, 2012 11:47 AM EDT

Frequent Cooking Will Help You Live Longer

A new study published in Public Health Nutrition links frequent cooking to a longer life.

Heinrich Höfler and Harald Wölfelschneider, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
May 18, 2012 11:08 AM EDT

Laser Scan at Full Speed

Laser systems can be used to implement highly precise and ultra-fast measuring processes. Railway measuring technology has a huge worldwide need here.

“Warming Hole” Over the Eastern U.S. Due to Air Pollution
May 18, 2012 10:54 AM EDT

“Warming Hole” Over the Eastern U.S. Due to Air Pollution

Temperatures are increasing on a global scale, but at the regional level, the story gets complicated. In the central and eastern United States, for example, warming has not kept pace with other parts of the world over much of the last century.

May 18, 2012 10:40 AM EDT

New Key Mechanism in Cell Division Discovered

Researchers from the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) have identified the mechanism by which protein Zds1 regulates a key function in mitosis, the process that occurs immediately before cell division. The result has been achieved in the online edition of the Journal of Cell Science ...

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